
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 32 of 213
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Características del Juego (Characteristics of Play) | Si bien hay muchas definiciones para la palabra "jugar," el juego quizás se defina mejor al observar algunas características específicas del juego. Esta hoja de consejos explora las cinco características más acordadas del juego. While there are many definitions for the word "play," it is perhaps best defined by looking at some specific play features. This tip sheet explores the five most common characteristics of play. | Tipsheet |
Care for Yourself, So You Can Care for Others | From the office of Head Start, December can be a particularly hard time to take care of yourself. You may be busy, over-scheduled, stressed about finances, or worried about family. This month, the Safe Foundations, Healthy Futures Campaign will be offering tips to help you care for yourself. Take time each day to try out a few easy ideas. Caring for yourself can improve your health, reduce stress, and ultimately help you bring your best self to caring for the children you serve. When you feel mentally and physically healthy, you can make positive choices about how to effectively respond to children's behavior and needs. | |
Care Plan for Children with Special Health Care Needs | These plans can be used to create an accommodation plan for children with special medical needs. | Document |
Caregiver Handouts: Games and Activities that Build Brains and Executive Function Skills | "Here you’ll find handouts with suggestions for games and activities to do with children of different ages. They can be shared at well child visits or when caregivers are looking for support with behavior. These activities can promote child-caregiver bonding, executive function skills, and build children’s brains through play." These handouts are from the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. These resources are available in English and Spanish! | Document |
Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign | The Caring for Every Child's Mental Health Campaign website consists of information from a four-year national public education campaign by the Center for Mental Health Services, a component of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to increase awareness about the emotional problems of America's children and adolescents and gain support for needed services. The website contains links for children and adolescents, tips for parents ranging from improving your child's mental health to issues that families may face regarding mental health. There are resources available for purchase or to download. The information is also available in spanish at | Website |
Caring for Multi Aged Groups in a Family Child Care Setting | Kim Woehl, one of our CICC Coaches and a former licensed family child care provider, joins this episode. Kim has many useful insights as to how to meet the needs of many different children at various ages and stages in the family child care setting. She shares strategies related to building a flexible yet consistent routine, and tip and tricks that calm chaos and meet varied needs. | Podcast |
Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety | This manual contains guidelines on the development and evaluation of the health and safety of children in all types of early care and education setting centers and family child care homes. | Website |
Carnegie Hall Kids | “Explore the World of Music” with Carnegie Hall Kids! Check out their extensive selection of quizzes, games, maps, and videos. “Imagination and learning take flight in their at-home sing-along series for families and caretakers with children ages 3–6: Sing with Carnegie Hall.” | Website |
Carruurta iyo walwalkooda (Anxiety in Children) | Walwal iyo walwal waa shucuur caam ah oo qof walba dareemo waqti ama waqti kale. Xaashidan tilmaantu waxay sahmineysaa waxyaabaha kiciya welwelka, goorta laga walaacsan yahay iyo goorta caawimaad la raadsado. | Tipsheet |
Caruurta iyo Walbahaarka: Sida Caruurtu ay u Fal-Celiyaan (Trauma: How Children Respond) | Baro qeexidda dhibaatada iyo sidoo kale jawaabaha koritaanka ee carruurta yar yar ee khibradaha naxdinta leh. Learn the definition of trauma as well as the developmental responses of young children to traumatic experiences. | Tipsheet |
Results: Page 32 of 213