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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: La Importancia de Leer y Explorar Libros (Infants and Toddlers: The Importance of Reading and Exploring Books) Esta hoja de consejos ofrece consejos prácticos y estrategias para leer en voz alta con bebés y niños pequeños. This tip sheet offers practical tips and strategies for reading aloud with infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: Lengua Temprana y Alfabetización (Infants and Toddlers: Early Language and Literacy) Esta hoja de consejos explora cómo usar los materiales de alfabetización para promover el desarrollo del lenguaje en bebés y niños pequeños. This tip sheet explores how to use literacy materials to promote language development in infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: Mejores Prácticas Para Apoyar el Desarrollo de Habilidades de Comunicación (Infants and Toddlers: Best Practices to Support the Development of Communication Skills) Consejos de mejores prácticas para apoyar el desarrollo de habilidades de comunicación en bebés y niños pequeños. Best practice tips to support the development of communication skills in infants and toddlers. Tipsheet
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: Toques de Atención en el Desarrollo de Habilidades de Comunicación (Infants and Toddlers: Red Flags in the Development of Communication Skills) Esta hoja de consejos destaca el desarrollo de habilidades de comunicación en bebés y niños pequeños y cuándo preocuparse. This tip sheet highlights the development of communication skills in infants and toddlers and when to be concerned. Tipsheet
Bebés: Estrategias para Apoyar el Desarrollo de Habilidades de Comunicación (Infants: Strategies to Support the Development of Communication Skills) Los padres y otros cuidadores tienen un papel central en el desarrollo del cerebro de un bebé. Esta hoja de consejos proporciona formas para que los cuidadores ayuden a los bebés a aprender mejor. Parents and other caregivers have a central role in the development of a baby's brain. This tip sheet provides ways for caregivers to help babies learn better. Tipsheet
Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 2) Proactive Ways to Help Lessen Behaviors that Challenge Us Angeline Kallhoff and Tari Niemeyer, two of our CICC coaches, join us to continue our discussion of ways to respond to young children when they exhibit challenging behavior.  They share some proactive ways to set both you as the caregiver and the child up for success and calm the situation.  Podcast
Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 1) Common Responses to Behaviors that Challenge Us Join us for our podcast episode with two of our CICC coaches, Angeline Kallhoff and Tari Niemeyer as we discuss some common responses to behavior challenges that may occur in the early childhood setting.  They discuss how our verbal response has the ability to teach a child some new skills if we think about how we phrase things.  Podcast
Behavioral Health Resources for Children and Families About ECDThe Office of Early Childhood Development and the federal government are committed to advancing the integration of behavioral health in early childhood programs to support children and families.What is Behavioral Health?Behavioral health includes the promotion of mental health, resilience, and well-being; the prevention, early identification, and the treatment of mental illness and substance use disorders; and support for those who experience and/or are in recovery from these conditions, along with their families and communities. Website
Behavioral Health Topics - Allina Hospitals The Behavioral Health Topics - Allina Hospitals website page topics include anxiety, attention deficit disorder, bipolar disorder, manic depression, depression, schizophrenia, and stress. Website
Believe in Yourself as a Professional In this podcast, Cindy and Priscilla encourage listeners to have confidence in your skills and abilities to provide an environment that gives children what they need based on developmentally appropriate practice rather than whatever the 'prevailing winds" may be. When it comes to the push for academics, we need to trust our early childhood education and training in what children need most to be successful learners in our environments. We also need to learn to articulate why our practices are part of 'readiness' for children along all their developmental domains. Podcast