
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 24 of 213
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Baby Talk Isn’t Just Cute—It’s Critical for Kids’ Vocabularies | “Can you say mama?” “Wave bye-bye!” If you’ve spent any time around a baby, chances are you’ve heard or said things like this. The high-pitched, singsong tone we switch to when interacting with young children can go by many names — baby talk, parentese, or, according to development specialists, infant-directed speech. But as simplistic as this melodic chitchat might seem, the conversations are crucial. Learn more in this article from Popular Science. | |
Baby Teeth Link Autism and Heavy Metals | A recent study from the NIEHS has discovered that children with autism have more toxic lead and less of the essential nutrients zinc and manganese in their baby teeth, as compared to teeth of children who do not have autism. The differences in metal absorption for children with or without autism were especially significant during the months just before and after birth. The findings suggest that autism begins in the womb, and that our environment can increase a child's risk. | Website |
Backpack Series from the Pyramid Model | The Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI) created The Backpack Connection Series to provide a way for teachers and parents/caregivers to work together to help young children develop social emotional skills and reduce challenging behavior. Teachers may choose to send a handout home in each child’s backpack when a new strategy or skill is introduced to the class. Each Backpack Connection handout provides information that helps parents stay informed about what their child is learning at school and specific ideas on how to use the strategy or skill at home. This series was developed in collaboration with Pyramid Plus: The Colorado Center for Social Emotional Competence and Inclusion and Bal Swan Children's Center in Broomfield, Colorado. | Website |
Basic Tips to Keep Children in Child Care Safe Outdoors | Children love to play outdoors. It is a wonderful place to test one's physical abilities and to just have fun. Keeping children safe outdoors requires some special precautions. Here are some tips for keeping children in your child care program safe outdoors. | Website |
Batten Disease Support and Research Association | Batten Disease Support and Research Association is an organization designed to provide international support and research networking for families of children and young adults with an inherited neurological degenerative disorder known as Batten Disease (Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses). The site offers a few links, membership fee, support network, research links, and disease history. | Website |
Beads on One String (Children's Book) | A song celebrating diversity and universal connection comes to life in Beads on One String, a children's picture book by Minnesota singer-songwriter Dennis Warner. The book features Warner's original lyrics and the compelling message that we have more in common with people around the world than we have differences. Beautiful illustrations by regional artist Alison Love Unzelman portray a world where dreams are shared between people of all ages, sizes, colors and cultures. Says Unzelman, "Beads on One String shares a truth I believe." The book includes sheet music and a CD featuring a live recording of Warner's upbeat song. Whether spoken or sung, Beads on One String receives enthusiastic reviews from educators and parents alike. Warner writes, "The idea for this song came about by visualizing a beaded necklace, with each bead representing a different person. The beads are all different sizes, shapes and colors, but all held together by the same string." Warner hopes that the book will help readers of all ages recognize how much we have in common--a simple, but powerful step to building better relationships around the world. | Document |
Bebés bilingües brillantes | "Babies are remarkably good at learning languages in their first year of life. In this brief from the National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching and Learning, find out how home visitors can support young children who are learning more than one language. Discover the most up-to-date information to answer three prompts: “What does research say?”; “What does it look like?”; and “Try this!” This resource is also available in ENGLISH. | Document |
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: Desarrollo Temprano del Lenguaje y Preparación Escolar (Infants and Toddlers: Early Language Development and School Readiness) | Esta hoja de consejos destaca la relación entre el desarrollo del lenguaje, la autorregulación y la preparación escolar. This tip sheet highlights the relationship between language development, self-regulation and school readiness. | Tipsheet |
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: El Medio Ambiente como plan de Estudios (Infants and Toddlers: Environment as Curriculum) | This tip sheet explores how caregivers can use the environment to support the development of infants and toddlers. | Tipsheet |
Bebés y Niños Pequeños: Estrategias para Apoyar a los Estudiantes de dos Idiomas (Infants and Toddlers: Strategies for Supporting Dual Language Learners) | Esta hoja de consejos explora los beneficios y las estrategias para apoyar a los bebés y niños pequeños que aprenden en dos idiomas. This tip sheet explores the benefits of- and strategies for supporting infants and toddlers who learn in two languages. | Tipsheet |
Results: Page 24 of 213