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Resource Name Description Resource Type
What Is Inclusive Child Care? "Research has shown that inclusion, when done well, can be a very positive experience for both young children with special needs and their typically developing peers. Child care providers can play an important role in making inclusive child care successful." Here is some more information from the Extension Alliance for Better Child Care. Document
What Is Lost When Kindergarten Gets More Academic Have you noticed that schools seem to expect more of their youngest students academically, while giving them less time to spend in self-directed and creative play? This January 2016 article summarizes changes around how kids are learning and what they?re learning from a recent national research study. Document
What is Monkeypox? Learn the facts about Monkeypox from this article written by David W. Kimberlin, MD, FAAP & Kristina A. Bryant, MD, FAAP members of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Website
What is Stress, Burnout and Depression?      This info module highlights the impact of stress, burnout and depression of early care and education professionals on quality child care. Included are the signs, symptoms of stress, burnout and depression and some basic self-care strategies. Info Module
What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)? How the Americans with Disabilities Act applies to early care and education programs. Tipsheet
What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids' Brains Educational apps and TV shows are great ways for children to sharpen their developing brains and hone their communication skills—not to mention the break these gadgets provide harried parents. But tread carefully: A number of troubling studies connect delayed cognitive development in kids with extended exposure to electronic media.  Document
What to Do (and Not Do) When a Child is Anxious Pointers for helping children escape the cycle of anxiety. Document
What to Do (and Not Do) When Children Are Anxious When children are chronically anxious, even the most well-meaning parents can fall into a negative cycle and, not wanting a child to suffer, actually exacerbate the youngster’s anxiety. It happens when parents, anticipating a child’s fears, try to protect her from them. Here are pointers from the Child Mind Institute for helping children escape the cycle of anxiety. Document
What to do When Children Bite Participants of this info module will learn why children bite, strategies to prevent and/or eliminate the behavior, and how to intervene if biting occurs. Info Module
What to do When Children Bite Biting is one of the ways young children express their needs, desires, or feelings. Once you understand why and when a child is likely to bite, you can try to change situations in order to prevent it. This tip sheet provides strategies to use with children who bite. Tipsheet