
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 18 of 213
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Apoyo de los apegos seguros junto con las familias y dentro de los entornos de cuidado infantil (Supporting Secure Attachments Alongside Families and Within Child Care Settings) | Estrategias para familias y programas de educación y cuidado temprano para apoyar el desarrollo de un patrón de apego seguro en los niños.Strategies for families and early care and education programs to support the development of a secure attachment pattern in children. | Tipsheet |
Applying Indicators and Theory to the Delivery of Early Care and Education Supports for Black Families with Infants and Toddlers | A resource from Child Trends and the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute that draws on families’ cultural assets and uses a strengths-based perspective. For example, living in crowded housing is usually assumed to negatively impact children’s health, but the authors of the resource discuss how choosing to live with others, such as extended family members, during a child’s early years might support parents’ and children’s mental health and well-being. | Document |
Apraxia Kids | The Apraxia Kids website offers a variety of resource information about apraxia or dyspraxia of speech. The site promotes awareness, offers posters and brochures, articles, newsletter, network communication chat room, authors and resources, and a FAQ section. The site is ideal for educators and parents. | Website |
Aprendizaje al aire libre (Outdoor Learning) | El aprendizaje al aire libre es beneficioso para la salud y el bienestar tanto de los niños como de los cuidadores. Aprovecha al máximo tu "aula al aire libre" con estos consejos. Outdoor learning is beneficial to the health and well-being of both children and caregivers. Make the most of your "outdoor classroom" with these tips. | Tipsheet |
Arc Minnesota | The ARC of Minnesota website is geared towards advocacy and support for people with developmental disabilities and their families in Minnesota. Legislative info, public policy hotline, affiliated chapters, and lots of Minnesota and national links are available throughout his site. ARC also offers a lending library with equipment, videos, and books. | Website |
Are Colors Innate or Learned? | New research with four- to six-month-old infants indicates that long before we learn language, we see up to five basic categories of hue—a finding that suggests a stronger biological component to color perception than previously thought. | Document |
Are You Different? Me Too! 9 Books That Embrace What Makes Us Unique | These stories, from Brightly, are about kindness, strength, bravery, fear, tragedy, and humor and deserve a spot on everyone’s bookshelves. | Website |
Are You Prepared for Disasters: Family Readiness Kit | This kit includes general guidelines for readiness that can be used in most situations to help families get disaster-ready. For more detailed information about all types of disasters, see the Resources section. Remember, ask all family members to help make the disaster plan. Everyone should know what to do if family members are not together. Plan to do your part and work together as a team. A disaster can cause a lot of stress and confusion. Keep the family readiness plan simple so everyone can remember the important details. Once a plan is finished, practice your Family Disaster Plan every six months so that everyone will remember what to do when in an emergency. Fear and anxiety can be reduced when there is a disaster plan. Your child's doctor also can help. During your next visit, ask your child's doctor how to best prepare for disasters. | Document |
Arimaha saamaynta kuleh Dabeecadda (Factors that Influence Behavior) | Xaashidan tilmaamuhu waxay daboolaysaa arrimo badan oo saameyn ku yeelan kara dhaqanka ilmaha waxayna siineysaa hage daryeelayaasha sida looga caawiyo carruurta inay la qabsadaan arrimaha aysan awoodin inay xakameeyaan. This tip sheet covers the many factors that can affect a child's behavior and offers guidance for caregivers on how to help children cope with issues they are not able to control. | Tipsheet |
ASL Nook | "Knowing what it was like to grow up as the only Deaf person in an all-hearing family and raising two young signers, Sheena felt something was missing from the internet. A place where everyone is welcome to learn ASL. Finding her inspiration from the Food Network Channel, ASL Nook came alive in 2013. Since that day everything changed! Little did the ASL Nook family know that it would have such a profound impact on people, especially on hearing families raising Deaf children. Our audience grew to where ASL classes – both high schools and universities – are using the videos as a part of their instruction. ASL Nook garnered a huge following. This would have not been possible without the Deaf community’s support and loyal viewers." | Website |
Results: Page 18 of 213