
Resource Library
Our Resource Library contains materials and assistance for early childhood educators and those they serve. Explore our selection of podcasts, tip sheets, websites, documents, and self-study courses.
Results: Page 106 of 212
Resource Name | Description | Resource Type |
Kindermusik | Kindermusik brings the joy of musical learning to children newborn through seven years of age. For more than 30 years, it has helped millions of children worldwide explore, express, and discover | Website |
Klinefelter Syndrome and Associates | Klinefelter Syndrome and Associates is an education and support organization for the genetic condition Klinefelter Syndrome (XXY) and its variants. The website provides support through conferences, email support lists, and newsletters. | Website |
Know Your Worth and Then Add the BAS: An Advocacy Tool for Family Child Care Providers | Here is a helpful resource from the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership: The Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) is a tool that empowers providers to know and claim their worth—including the tax. | Document |
Knowledge Path: Children with Special Health Care | The Knowledge Path is an article of information for children with special health care needs. The article has links to various topics surrounding the issue. The article comes from the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health website. | Website |
Kormeer Joogto ah: Dibadda (Active Supervision: Outside) | Ciyaaraha banaanka ayaa firfircoon sidaa darteed caruurtu waxay u baahan doonaan kormeer ka badan inta ay ku sameeyaan gudaha. Carruurta ku ilaali meel ka baxsan iyaga oo raacaya xeeladaha ku yaal xaashidan tilmaanta ah. | Tipsheet |
Kormeer Joogto ah: Xiliyada Firaaqada (Active Supervision: Free Time) | Daryeel bixiyeyaasha ayaa mas'uul ka ah ilaalinta carruurta ammaan. Kormeerka firfircoon wuxuu u baahan yahay feejignaan joogto ah, feejignaan feejignaan leh, iyo ula kac ula kac ah carruurta waqti kasta. | Tipsheet |
La construcción del cerebro comienza al nacer | Al nacer, el cerebro de un bebé tiene aproximadamente un tercio del tamaño del cerebro de un adulto. en 90 días, más que duplica su volumen, al 55 por ciento de su tamaño final. aprenda más datos fascinantes y ciencia sobre cómo los pequeños momentos cotidianos cuentan para ayudar a desarrollar el cerebro de un bebé. Little Moments Count es un movimiento estatal para ayudar a los padres y la comunidad a comprender la importancia de hablar, jugar, leer y cantar temprano y con frecuencia con los niños. Ellos son una colaboración de organizaciones que trabajan para ayudar a aumentar la interacción de los padres y la comunidad con los bebés y los niños. | Website |
La importancia del juego (The Importance of Play in a Child's Life ) | Escuché a nuestros invitados, Ronan y Karina, hablar sobre la importancia del juego en el desarrollo de los niños pequeños. Ronan destaca formas en las que podemos fomentar el juego positivo tanto dentro como fuera del salón de clase. Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos estas ideas.Listen in as our guests, Ronan and Karina, talk about the importance of play in the development of young children. Ronan highlights ways that we can encourage positive play both within the classroom and out. Join us as we explore these ideas. | Podcast |
Lactancia materna y programas de cuidado infantil (Breastfeeding and Child Care Programs) | Los proveedores de cuidado infantil que apoyan y tienen políticas favorables a la lactancia materna brindan a los bebés bajo su cuidado el mejor comienzo posible en la vida. Esta hoja de consejos explica los beneficios de la lactancia materna y proporciona pautas para el almacenamiento de la leche materna. Child care providers who support and have breast feeding-friendly policies, provide babies in their care the best start they can in life. This tip sheet explains the benefits of breast feeding as well as provides breast milk storage guidelines. | Tipsheet |
Land of Healthy Kids | Land of Healthy Kids explains how you can protect kids from some of Minnesota's environmental hazards, exposures, or chronic conditions. | Website |
Results: Page 106 of 212