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10 Things Every Child Needs (Videos) At birth, an infant's brain is only 25 percent of the size of an average adult's brain. Incredibly, by age 3, a child's brain has grown to 90 percent of that an adult's brain. During infancy and early childhood, children are flooded with new experiences that impact their brain development. The first 3 years of a child's life offer parents and other caregivers an amazing opportunity to shape the child's growth and form healthy habits that will last a lifetime. This site offers 10 videos discussing ways to facilitate child development from birth to three. Website
100 Calm Down Strategies It's unlikely someone can be calmed down by being told to CALM DOWN. In fact, just the opposite usually happens. So what can you do when a child is nervously waiting for someone to arrive, refusing to go to the dentist or running in circles out of excitement? Click the link below to access a toolkit of calm down tools and strategies that you can access before, during, and after a crisis. Website
100 Tricks To Help You De-Stress Here's a set of 100 expert and research-backed ways to relax, whether you have five minutes, five hours, or five weeks. Website
11 Tips for Teaching Preschool Online "From scavenger hunts to obstacle courses to read-alouds, many activities from the classroom can be adapted for little kids learning from home." Here are some great ideas from Jessica Young at Edutopia. Website
12 Children's Picture Books That Challenge Traditional Gender Roles Research shows that even young children can quickly fall into these sex-based stereotypes and prejudices. In honor of celebrating our diversity, here are 12 children's picture books that challenge traditional gender roles. Website
12 Easy Ways to Help Burn Energy and Calm Children of All Abilities “Many parents are now working from home and trying to juggle distance learning for their children.”  Fraser has come up with some ideas to help. Website
12 Key Practices for High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion Which inclusive practices do early childhood programs need to master in order to welcome and support all learners? This blog post, will take you through the 12 inclusive practices with the strongest research base for supporting young children in inclusive programs.  These practices come from the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™), a field-tested observational tool for classrooms serving children ages 2-5.  Website
12 Tipos de Juegos (12 Types of Play) Hay una variedad de tipos de juegos, y cada uno es importante para un crecimiento y desarrollo saludables. Esta hoja de consejos presenta los doce tipos de juegos clave. There are a variety of types of play, and each is important for healthy growth and development. This tip sheet introduces the twelve key types of play. Tipsheet
12 Types of Play There are a variety of types of play, and each is important for healthy growth and development. This tip sheet introduces the twelve key types of play. Tipsheet
12 Ways to Play With Rocks Collecting and exploring rocks teaches toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age kids a host of things from focus to creativity to building a foundation in STEAM concepts. This article is from Tinkergarten and was posted on the Highlights website. Website