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Resource Name Description Resource Type
IR VS. NO IR: Preparar la Evacuación o el Refugio En El Lugar Existen muchos tipos de emergencias. En algunas situaciones, puede que necesite evacuar (“IR”). Sin embargo, hay otras emergencias en las que es mejor refugiarse en el lugar (“NO IR”). El tipo de emergencia determina cómo debe reaccionar. Establezca un sistema de alerta para que el personal y los niños sepan qué medidas deben tomar. Document
Is Cannabis Harmful for Children & Teens? AAP Policy Explained As states across the country vote to legalize cannabis for medical or recreational use (or both), some parents feel unsure what this might mean for their children. Learn more from the American Academy of Pediatrics. Website
Is homemade baby food healthier for infants? Babies who get homemade food may learn to like a wider variety of food types and be leaner than infants who eat store-bought products, a recent study suggests. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and then advises mothers to keep nursing while starting to introduce solid foods. For the current study, researchers examined whether the source of food (homemade or commercial) influences variety, infant growth, and weight. They found babies who only ate homemade foods had more diverse diets earlier in life and lower body fat mass when they were 1 year and 3 years old. Website
Is Your Baby Hungry or Full? Responsive Feeding Explained In this video, you'll learn all about the practice of responsive feeding and how to understand, recognize, and respond to your baby's hunger or fullness cues.  Website
Is-Daryeelidda Shaqaalaha Caruurta Yaryar Daryeesha Waxna Barta (Self-Care for Early Care and Education Professionals) Warqad talobixin ah oo istiraatiijiyado is-daryeelid ah oo wax ku ool ah loogu talagalay daryeelka hore iyo xirfadlayaasha waxbarashada. Tip sheet with practical self-care strategies for early care and education professionals. Tipsheet
I’m Mad, I’m Sad--Helping Children with an Emotional Vocabulary [Waan xanaaqsanahay, waan caraysnahay: Sida caruurta loo baro ereyada laxiriira waxa ay dareemayaan] Caruurta waxaa marar badan layiraahdaa “afka kahadla” si ay arintaa ugu guulaystaan waxy ubaahanyihiin in labaro ereyada dareenkooda laxiriira.  Macalimiintaan siyaabo badan ayeey caruurta ereyada ugu kobcin karaan ayagoo u aqrinaya buugta, tusaalayn siinaya iyo siyaabo kale oo kacaawin kara caruurta in ay kufiicnaadaan sida dadka looladhaqmo dabeecadaha adag nah ay kafogaadaan. Podcast
Journey Through the Healing Circle Journey Through the Healing Circle Introduction Can racoon twins, a fox, a bear, and a puffin teach parents about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Yes, when these wild creatures are brought to life through the stories and word pictures of a Native American storyteller in an award-winning new video series. A partnership of Washington State agencies, health-care experts, and traditional Northwest tribal storytellers has produced a collection of stories, health tips, and practical knowledge to help parents and foster parents learn about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and understand how it affects their children. Website
Joyful ABC Activity Booklets The National Museum of African American History and Culture created the Joyful ABC Activity Booklet series. This series invites caregivers and educators to support children’s positive identity development while also growing their language and literacy skills with activities, museum objects and new words based on characteristics featured in the book, A is for All the Things You Are: A Joyful ABC Book. Website
Just Take a Bite: Easy, Effective Answers to Food Aversions and Eating Challenges This book offers parents and professionals techniques for increasing food selections and assisting children in eating a balanced diet. The book was written to address issues of food aversions and food selectivity, included are normal development, motor-based eating problems, environmental and behavioral factors and other topics. Website
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International The Juvenile Diabetes Resource web-site provides information on publications, research, local chapters, and other resources related to juvenile diabetes. Website