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Muhimadda joogtaynta iyo jadwalka horumarinta caafimaadka ilmaha qaybta labaad (The Importance of Routines and Schedules for Children's Health Development Part 2) Dhacdadan, Bureeqo Dahir, Tababaraha CICC, iyo martida khaaska ah Marian Hassan ayaa wada hadlaya muhiimada ay leedahay samaynta joogtayn iyo jadwalyo goobta caruurnimoda hore. In this episode, Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the importance of establishing routines and schedules in the early childhood setting. Podcast
Multi-Hazard Planning for Child Care This course covers the steps to help childcare providers prepare for incidents to ensure the safety of the children at their site. Childcare providers must have plans and procedures to keep children safe from everyday hazards and to respond and recover when an emergency happens. The goal of this course is to provide childcare providers, of all sizes and with responsibility for children of all ages, with the knowledge and tools to analyze the hazards and threats at the site, to develop a plan to address these hazards and threats, and to implement processes to update and practice the emergency plan. The topics addressed in this course include: Knowing your hazards. Developing a plan. Testing and updating your plan. Website
Multicultural Collection of Farm to ECE Books The Food Trust’s multicultural collection of farm to ECE books highlights children’s books that feature characters from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, many of which are authored by writers of color. The list also includes a number of books that are either bilingual or written exclusively in Spanish. These books cover a wide variety of farm to ECE related topics including gardening, farms, cooking, family meals, farmers markets, shopping for food and more. Website
Multilingual Learners The early childhood years are an important time for building foundational language and literacy skills needed by young multilingual learners as they transition to kindergarten. The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) supports local educational agencies and early childhood programs in promoting equitable access to language supports for multilingual learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. This link provides information about WIDA Early Years Training. WIDA stands for World Class Instructional Design and Assessment and is part of the Wisconsin Center for Educational Research at UW Madison. They are THE experts in working with Multilingual Learners and their families. Website
Multilingual Phone Referral Link The multilingual referral telephone lines (currently maintained in DHS? 10 primary non-English languages) are owned by DHS and operated by contracted vendors. Clients with LEP can reach someone who speaks their language (live or voicemail)in order to be referred to the appropriate state or county human services provider. Website
Multiple Purposes for Measuring Quality in Early Childhood Settings As states and communities invest in initiatives to improve the quality of early care and education, the measurement of quality is becoming more widespread and the importance of measuring quality well is gaining increasing attention (Zaslow, Tout, & Martinez-Beck, 2009). Within the broad context of interest in improving quality, this Issue Brief seeks to differentiate among a number of specific purposes for measuring quality in early childhood settings, and to identify the implications of these differing purposes for the careful and appropriate measurement of quality. Document
Muscular Dystrophy Association USA The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) website provides news and information about 40 neuromuscular diseases, research, and services for adults and children with neuromuscular diseases and their families. It contains a database of MDA clinics links to local chapters, a parent chat room and a "ask the experts" web page. The site also has numerous publications and an intra-site search engine. The entire site translates to Spanish. Website
Music and Infant Development Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate, and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of infants and how music can help build skills.  Song ideas and other useful activities are shared.  Podcast
Music and Preschool Development Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate, and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of preschoolers and how music can help build skills.  Song ideas and other useful activities are shared.  Podcast
Music and Toddler Development Join our guests from MacPhail Center for Music, Early Childhood Music Educators, Jane Tate, and Cari Gregerson as we discuss the developmental pathway of toddlers and how music can help build skills.  Song ideas and other useful activities are shared.   Podcast