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60 Early Childhood Activities Learning activities and resources Document
7 Ideas From Reggio Emilia That Any Early Childhood Teacher Can User Can Use In this article from Abby Bucher at Edutopida magazine learn "How to adapt principles from the famed approach to foster interest-based learning for the youngest students."   Website
7 Secrets to Toddler Discipline Just saying “no” doesn’t always work. How to get your child to live and learn -- and not lose your cool in the process. Document
8 Easy Math Games for Toddlers "Wondering how to teach math to toddlers? Build your little one’s skills with these easy and entertaining activities" from the editors at Parents Magazine. Website
8 Multicultural Children's Books Featuring Blind Children Inspired by the UK initiative called Make a Noise in Libraries, which aims to make libraries more accessible and inclusive for visually impaired readers, this blog's author began putting together this list of multicultural children's books featuring blind children. Website
8 Things Caregivers Can Do to Ease Young Children’s Anxiety "Young children who frequently experience anxious feelings need patient, caring, and knowledgeable adults to provide them with effective support. Adapted from the home visiting guidebook Tackling the Tough Stuff by Angela Tomlin and Stephan A. Viehweg, the tips in [this blog post from Brooke's Publishing] can help. Share these ideas with the parents of young children—and adapt them for any setting to help kids work through their fears and worries." Website
8 Things to Remember About Child Development Experiences in the earliest years of life form the foundation of brain architecture, for better or for worse. Learning, behavior, and health across the lifespan are all built on that foundation. Website
8 Tips for Helping Kids with Social Skills Issues Cope with the Holiday Season For kids with social skills issues, holiday events can pose challenges and create stress. Use these eight simple tips to help your child successfully navigate this very social season. Document
8 Ways you can Dress your Child for Sensory Friendly Success Whether your school has a dress code or you get to select your own clothes, dressing in a sensory smart way can be the difference between comfort and misery or attention and distraction. Let's see how your kids can dress for school success! Document
80x3 Podcast Series: Early Childhood Budgets, Boards, and Brain Development - Part 1 Join our guests, Amanda Ziebell Mawanda, Art Rolnick, and Jamie Bonczyk in this three-part series as they discuss how budgeting decisions in the early childhood education sector translate into positive brain development in young children.  Barriers are highlighted as we talk through ways to foster organizational shifts, economic investment, stressing board recruitment and engagement as ways to support your organization’s work.     Podcast