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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Video: Suspension is an adult behavior TEDx talk by Rosemary Allen This video serves as a great introduction to suspension and expulsion. It provides insight into the core issues and helps you think about strategies to address the problem. Website
Videos on Early Childhood Development - Pathways Free videos! These are from the Pathways Foundation website, which "Provide free tools to maximize all children's motor, sensory, and communication development." Their videos are in English and in Spanish- short videos of typical and atypical motor development that can help parents and teachers be alert to motor issues, as well as videos about strategies to support infant motor development.  Website
Virtual Lab School Created by experts at The Ohio State University, the Virtual Lab School (VLS) addresses a critical need for an easy to navigate online professional development and resource system that empowers professionals to build their knowledge and skills around research-based practices in child care and youth development. Supported by an extensive repository of professional development videos, research-based content, and relevant, interactive learning materials, the VLS simulates the enriching learning experiences found in university lab school settings. Website
Vision Loss Resources Vision Loss Resources is the Twin Cities leading provider of rehabilitation, support, information and referral services for individuals who are blind or visually impaired. Vision Loss Resources? mission is to assist people who are blind or visually impaired in achieving their full potential and to enrich the lives of all persons affected by blindness or vision loss. A national search engine of similar sites, technology updates and resources, e-mail list and services that include booklets, rehabilitation, and community opportunities and facilities. Website
Visual Supports for Toddlers "Visual Supports for toddlers are a set of evidence-based practices (EBPs) that use images, pictures or objects that cue the toddler to engage in a desired skill or behavior. They provide the toddler with meaningful information about an activity, routine, behavioral expectation, or skill. The AFIRM for Toddlers modules are designed for early intervention providers working with caregivers (families and childcare providers) of toddlers." Dees, R., Sam, A., Waters, V., & AFIRM Team. (2023). Visual Supports for Toddlers. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, Autism Focused Intervention Modules and Resources. Website
Vivir con una discapacidad: La perspectiva familiar (Living with a Disability: The Family Perspective) Al aprender la perspectiva familiar, los educadores de la primera infancia pueden demostrar un mayor nivel de empatía y sensibilidad sobre el impacto de la discapacidad de un niño en los padres/miembros de la familia.By learning the family perspective, early childhood educators can demonstrate an increased level of empathy and sensitivity about the impact of a child’s disability on parents/family members. Tipsheet
Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs This resource from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides practical information and planning steps for parents, district administrators, school administrators and staff, and ECE program administrators and staff to develop or strengthen plans for food allergy management and prevention. Document
Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies In Schools and Early Care and Education Programs Food allergies are a growing food safety and public health concern that affect an estimated 4%–6% of children in the United States. Document
Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs Frequently Asked Questions A food allergy is an adverse immune system reaction that occurs soon after exposure to a certain food. The immune response can be severe and life threatening. Document
Voluntary Guidelines for Managing Food Allergies in Schools and Early Care and Education Programs: Frequently Asked Questions Frequently asked questions about the management of food allergies in educational programs. Document