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Disability Topic

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Results: Page 183 of 210
Resource Name Description Resource Type
The Family Center on Disability and Technology This website is filled with assistive and instructional technology resources of interest to families of children with special needs. The website offers access to monthly newsletters, online discussions moderated by nationally recognized experts, and more. Website
The Family Child Care Setting--Meeting Varying Needs Guest Vicki Thrasher Cronin joins us again to discuss how to meet the needs of unique learners as well as those children with differing physical needs in the family child care setting. Family child care supports varied needs in that it already provides multi-age learning experiences. How do those connect to planning for care of a child with special needs? Podcast
The Family Child Care Setting--Setting Up the Environment for Success Guest Vicki Thrasher Cronin gives strategies to provide a family child care environment to care for and educate children with special needs. She shares the essentials of creating an accepting and inclusive environment that supports children of all abilities. Podcast
The Fathers Network The Fathers Network provides current information and resources to assist all families and care providers involved in the lives of children with special needs. This information is up-to-date, helpful, and designed to promote the resilience of all family members. We have award winning monographs, videos, newsletters, and curriculum available upon request. Website
The Feelings Game Learning the faces of people and what they mean. Website
The First 1,000 Days: Nourishing America's Future The first 1,000 days of a child's life, from pregnancy to age 2, offer a unique window of opportunity to build healthier and more prosperous futures. This report represents an attempt to contribute to that understanding and to galvanize a movement to ensure that every child in America has a healthy first 1,000 days. In Part 1 of the report, we examine the foundational role that nutrition plays in giving young children a strong start to life. In Part 2, we look at how young children and their families in the U.S. are faring when it comes to nutrition. Finally, in Part 3, we highlight areas where greater action is needed to improve the nutritional health of America's youngest children and their families. Document
The First Sights Babies See Sculpt The Brain?s Visual Circuitry When a newborn baby opens her eyes, she does not see well at all, and it can take months for her world to come into focus. Now scientists have found more clues about what happens in the brains of baby mammals as they try to make visual sense of the world. A study, published in Nature Neuroscience, is part of a project to map the functions of the brain areas that play crucial roles in vision. Document
The Food Allergy Network The Food Allergy Network provides education, increases public awareness, and advance research on behalf of those affected by food allergies. They have a bi-monthly newsletter. Website
The Foundation Fighting Blindness The Foundation Fighting Blindness research organization that funds retinal degenerative disease research and provides contacts and information for affected families, specialists and professionals. Annual report, mailing list, scientific advisory board, great regular and "scientific" links. Website
The Fundamentals of Consultation [Muhiimadda ay Leedahay Tala Qaadashada] Muxuuyahay tababarka ama latalinta xagga Inclusion’ka ama kamidnoqoshada ay caruurtu carruurta kale lamid noqonayso iyo sida ay faa’iido ugu tahay caruurta xanaanada ubadka yaryar lagu hayyo jooga oo baaahida gaarka ah leh?  Podcast’kaan waa podacast ama maqaalka uguhoreeya maqaalada xirrirka ah oo laxirrira arinta tababarka ama latalinta xagga caruurta sida ay kuwa kale oga mid noqon lahaayeen. Podcast