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Resource Name Description Resource Type
How to Create a Backyard Sanctuary for Kids with Disabilities by HomeAdvisor Children of all abilities and needs should have room to play and explore their world. In fact, play is so important for a child’s development that the United Nations declared play is a human right for children. Making your home a place where a child with special needs can be active takes more than a look around. You’ll want to brainstorm ways the outside can be an inclusive sanctuary for children of all abilities, too.   Website
How to Work with Personal Care Assistants This article offers tips about being a supervisor for PCAs as well as how to manage relationships with PCAs. Also, it covers information about personal managers, that is, a second supervisor who handles more responsibilities that a person with disabilities is unable to due to his/her limitations. Document
Human Development Institute The Human Development Institute is Kentucky's University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Service. We focus our efforts on improving lifelong opportunities and services for individuals with disabilities, their families and the community. The Institute provides a strong foundation for more than 40 research, training and service projects, addressing a wide range of topics and issues in areas such as early childhood, education and alternate assessment, transition across the lifespan, employment, community living, and personnel preparation. Website
Ian - A Short Film about Playground Inclusion “Ian started as a mother’s mission to educate her son’s bullies on the playground—one to one. When she realized that the need for inclusion was bigger than one playground, she wrote a book and founded Fundación ian to change thousands of minds and attitudes about people with disabilities. She approached MundoLoco, a top digital animation studio in Latin America, about creating “Ian,” an animated film to deliver the message of inclusion to audiences all over the world.' Website
IDEA Fact Sheet A federal education law originally passed in 1975. IDEA requires schools to give special education and related services to kids with disabilities who need them. It covers kids from birth through high school. Document
IL Core Services The MACIL web-site has several resources related to people with disabilities living independently. Peer counseling, living skills training, info and referrals, advocacy, and will tailor services to the needs of their consumers. Government links and info, legislative alerts, web searches available. The intrasite search toll covers extensive topic list. Website
Inappropriate Use of Restraint and Seclusion: Initiative to Protect Children with Disabilities This press release from the U.S. Department of Education (January 17, 2019) describes new initiatives to address and govern the use of restraint and seclusion on recipients of Section 504, Title II and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) accommodations and services. Compliance reviews, data collection, and technical assistance to enforce the legal obligations of states and school districts are mentioned as methods for improving results and outcomes for children with disabilities. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), in partnership with the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS), will oversee this initiative. Document
Including Children with Disabilities in State Pre-K Programs This policy brief is an overview of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and recommends policies to help ensure that preschool-aged children with disabilities receive an appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment. Document
Including Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Rooted in the key concept of "belonging," these sessions examine the beliefs and attitudes that influence and affect adults and children in inclusive settings. They provide numerous practical strategies and tools to help families and providers implement high-quality inclusive services. Website
Inclusion Webinars from ECLKC "Explore these webinars about inclusion issues related to children with disabilities or suspected delays. Topics include interactions, individualization, effective teaching practices, clarification of the Head Start Program Performance Standards (HSPPS), practice-based coaching, and more! Find three series to choose from:" High-Quality Inclusion Federal Series focuses on clarification of issues with insights from federal staff Highly Individualized Practices Series focuses on strategies that education staff can use every day in their classrooms and on home visits Disability Services in the Head Start Program Performance Standards Series focuses on the issues that are unique to the Head Start community Website