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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children (TACSEI) The Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Intervention for Young Children, also known as TACSEI, is a five-year grant made possible by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs. TACSEI takes the research that shows which practices improve the social-emotional outcomes for young children with, or at risk for, delays or disabilities and creates FREE products and resources to help decision-makers, caregivers, and service providers apply these best practices in the work they do every day. Most of these free products are available right here on our website for you to view, download and use. Website
The Advocate's Bookstore Just for Kids The Advocates Bookstore Just for Kids has a small selection of children's books related to dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and learning disabilities. Amazon links Website
The Alert Program The program allows students to learn what they can do before a spelling test or homework time to attain an optimal state of alertness for their tasks. Teachers learn what they can do after lunch, when their adult nervous systems are in a low alert state and their students are in a high alert state. Parents learn what they can do to help their toddler's nervous system change from a high alert state to a more appropriate low state at bedtime. Although the Alert Program® initially was intended for children with attention and learning difficulties, ages 8-12, it has been adapted for preschool through adult and for a variety of disabilities. If children are intellectually challenged or developmentally younger than the age of eight, the program's concepts can be utilized by staff to develop sensory diets (Wilbarger & Wilbarger, 1991) to enhance learning. Website
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects people with disabilities from discrimination. Disability rights are civil rights. From voting to parking, the ADA is a law that protects people with disabilities in many areas of public life. Website
The Beach Center on Families & Disability The Beach Center works in the areas of parent to parent mutual support, fathers, friendships, empowerment, transition planning, family-centered service delivery, family support policy, and abuse and neglect of children with disabilities. Website
The Behavior Cage Behavior problems! Living or working with kids who have severe disabilities is a challenge. And then, as if there wasn?t already enough on your plate, suddenly you?re dealing with behaviors. Take the brief presentations found here and use them as starting points. Working with someone who has both a disability and behavioral issues can be very complex. Remedies can take months to achieve. Problems can be rooted in emotional, social, physical, and/or mental areas. Autism definitely falls into this arena also. Website
The Center for Disability Studies in Literacy, Language & Learning (The Center) at University of Northern Iowa The Center for Disability Studies in Literacy, Language & Learning (The Center) at UNI directly responds to a history of exclusion, segregation and limited participation in literacy and language for young children, students and individuals with disabilities. The Center’s research demonstrates and documents that all people, including those considered to have the most severe developmental disabilities, can be full participants in their families, schools, and communities. Website
The Communication Matrix The Communication Matrix is an assessment tool designed primarily for speech-language pathologists and educators to use for assessing and documenting the expressive communication skills of children who have severe or multiple disabilities, including children with sensory, motor and cognitive impairments. This tool is designed to pinpoint exactly how an individual is communicating and to provide a framework for determining logical communication goals. The material includes three instructional video guides: 1) Introduction; 2) Completing the Matrix; and 3) Understanding Results. The online Communication Matrix is designed for parents and professionals to assess early communicators who may not use speech and may be used as a resource in professional training of speech language pathologists and educators. Website
The Early Childhood Outcomes Center The ECO Center seeks to promote the development and implementation of child and family outcome measures for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers with disabilities. These measures can be used in local, state, and national accountability systems. Activities The ECO Center actively pursues our goals by... * Collaborating with stakeholders and other groups concerned with outcomes measurement. * Researching issues related to the development and implementation of outcome measures. * Providing technical assistance to support states in developing and implementing outcome measurement systems. Website
The Future of Children The Future of Children is published twice annually to share information on major issues related to children's well-being. The journal is free and available on the web and can be ordered. Past issues have covered topics such as, Unintentional Injuries in Childhood, Domestic Violence and Children, When School is Out, Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect, Financing Child Care, Special Education for Children with Disabilities, and long-term Outcomes of Early Childhood Programs. Website