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Disability Topic

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Resource Name Description Resource Type
People-First Language "Everyone deserves dignity and respect. Yet historically, our words have contributed to negative attitudes and misrepresentations about the value of people with disabilities in our society. To end discrimination — at work, at school, and in our communities — it’s important to stop using language that denies a person's value, individuality, and capability. As its name implies, People-First Language puts the individual first and the disability second." This handout was created by the Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities. For more information, visit https://tcdd.texas.gov/. Document
Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities This document from the United States Department of Education is a brief summary of Personnel Development to Improve Services and Results for Children with Disabilities Program and application. Document
Picto Selector PECS was developed in 1985 as a unique augmentative/alternative communication intervention package for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and related developmental disabilities. First used at the Delaware Autistic Program, PECS has received worldwide recognition for focusing on the initiation component of communication. PECS does not require complex or expensive materials. It was created with families, educators, and resident care providers in mind, so is readily used in a range of settings. Select from 11,000 pictos and combine them into picto sheets. Fast search options and categories to select from. Create you're own pictos from photos and text. Use drag and drop to combine picto in sheets that visualizes daily tasks. Available in Dutch, French, English, Spanish, Catalan, German and Italian. Website
Play safe! Be safe! Multi-media Kit Young children and people with developmental disabilities are among those at highest risk from fire. Young children have a great deal of experience with fire from family activities such as cooking and grilling, camping, and celebrations involving candles, yet can't really understand how dangerous fire can be. Website
Policy Statement on Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Early Childhood Programs A new policy statement from the U.S. Departments of Education and Health and Human Services sets the expectation that all young children with disabilities should have access to inclusive high-quality early childhood programs, where they are provided with individualized and appropriate support in meeting high expectations. The statement highlights the legal and research base for inclusion; identifies challenges to adopting inclusive practices; provides recommendations to states, local programs and providers for increasing inclusive early learning opportunities; and links to free resources that have been developed to support inclusion of children with disabilities in high-quality early education programs. Document
Preparing for Emergencies: Children with Disabilities and Special Health Care Needs Emergency situations may present unique dilemmas for some children and their early care and education professionals. It is important to consider the individual needs of children when planning and preparing for an emergency event.   Info Module
Preparing Young Children for the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities into the Classroom Here are some tips from Marla Lohmann at NAEYC for "making your classroom more inclusive and helping all students be successful!" Website
Preschool Services under IDEA While the preschool years are a time of triumphs for most children and families, approximately 8% of all young children are identified as having disabilities that may prevent their reaching important milestones as expected. It was with these children and their families in mind that Congress created the Part C Infant/Toddler Program and the Preschool Special Education Program in 1986 when it reauthorized the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This new brief explains the services preschoolers may be entitled to under the Section 619 Preschool Program. Document
Professional Training Resource Library from The International Society on Early Intervention The Professional Training Resource Library (PTRL) is carried out in partnership with the Association of University Centers on Disabilities. The library contains materials representing interdisciplinary and discipline-specific core knowledge and skills relevant to degree-oriented as well as continuing education and certificate programs. Types of material in the library may include: Assessment Tools, Case Studies, Course Syllabuses, Internship Guidelines, Readings, Specific Curricula, Training Manuals, Videos, and Web-Based Modules. Website
Project LINK Project LINK is a training, consultation, and technical assistance project that facilitates provision of transdisciplinary, services to children with complex disabilities including behavoral challenges and significant motor and communication difficulties, autism and visual impairment. Project LINK's main goals are to: Identify specific training, technical assistance, and consultation needs of service providers; Provide transdisciplinary training and consultation focusing on children; Maintain a website to disseminate information about disabilities; Provide linkages among agencies that provide services to children with complex and significant disabilities and their families. Website