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Sensory Processing from an Occupation Therapy Lens In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what sensory processing can look like in a young child and how the child care environment can support sensory needs of young children. Podcast
Sensory Processing--Evaluation Process In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what the evaluation process for sensory processing looks for a young child. Podcast
Sensory Supports for Young Children Who Have or Are Experiencing Trauma Pediatric Occupational Therapist Alyssa Mason joins us for another discussion about the sensory needs of young children in our care. For those who have experienced trauma or may be experiencing trauma, what can we provide related to support, how do we understand possible triggers, and how can we be informed and in-tune to a child and the messages they are sending through their behavior?  This podcast recording was funded by Greater Twin Cities United Way (GTCUW) 80x3 - Resilient from the Start. Podcast
Separated Children The family separation policy has separated at least 2,300 undocumented immigrant children from their parents and placed them in governmental care in shelters and foster homes across the United States. For young children in particular, the sudden and frightening removal from their parents is strikingly traumatic. Far from home, alone, and in a country where they do not speak the language, it is not difficult to imagine the feelings of terror and isolation these children must be feeling. Website
Separation Anxiety in Infants and Toddlers This info module explores separation anxiety which is described as anxiety that is provoked in a young child by separation from or the threat of separation from a caregiver. Info Module
Separation Anxiety in Infants and Toddlers Tips for educators to help young children who may experience separation anxiety during the daily transition from home to child care. Tipsheet
September is National Preparedness Month: Don’t Be Scared, Be Prepared "September marks the start of National Preparedness Month, a campaign designed by the Institute for Childhood Preparedness to raise awareness about natural disasters, emergencies, and community planning. Without proper planning, families across the country are at risk of losing their homes, valuables, and their lives. We’re often asked when the best time to start preparing for an emergency is, and the answer is always: Now!" Website
Series on High Quality Inclusion This webinar series focuses on aspects of inclusion and services to children with disabilities. Experts draw on current evidence to cover topics such as assessment, screening, evidence-best practices that support individualization, and partnering with parents. Website
Services for Families of Infants and Toddlers Experiencing Trauma Current research on the impact of trauma on infants and toddlers, as well as intervention strategies for protecting these children, are summarized in this 2015 research-to-practice brief. Document
Sesame Street Addresses Traumatic Experiences When a child endures a traumatic experience, the whole family feels the impact. But adults hold the power to help lessen its effects.  Website