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Resource Name Description Resource Type
Ready Wriggly Prepares for Flu Season The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has created Ready Wrigley to provide parents, guardians, teachers, and young children with tips, activities, and a story to help the whole family prepare for emergencies.  Document
Recommended Books for Children Coping With Loss or Trauma Books can be wonderful tools to use with children who have experienced difficult times such as trauma or loss. Reading (or being read to) and talking with adults can help them understand and cope with their feelings in a developmentally appropriate way. Reading also offers a great way to spend time with a child, reinforce a sense of normalcy and security, and connect with them, all of which are important to recovery from a traumatic experience. This resource is from the National Association of School Psychologists. Document
Recurso Sobre Fondos para Apoyar el Cuidado de Niños con Necesidades Especiales de Minnesota (Funding Resources to Support Children with Special Needs) Esta hoja de consejos destaca los recursos de financiación disponibles, incluidos los específicos del estado de Minnesota, para apoyar el cuidado de niños con necesidades especiales. This tip sheet highlights funding resources available, including those specific to the state of Minnesota, to support the care of children with special needs. Tipsheet
Red Flags and Referral While most children develop on a similar trajectory, it is important to be aware of signs the child is not moving along the expected developmental pathways. Tipsheet
Reducing Exclusionary Discipline Practices in Early Childhood Education While research shows that exclusionary discipline practices in the early years are ineffective and developmentally inappropriate, young children continue to be suspended and expelled at high rates. An increasing number of states have taken steps to ensure that young children are not removed from programs due to their behavior. This report from Abbie Lieberman and Aaron Loewenberg of New America, explores how Illinois and Colorado are limiting the use of these exclusionary discipline practices and providing supports to educators to equip them to better serve the children in their programs. Document
Reducing Suspension and Expulsion Practices in Early Childhood Settings Document
Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years A new film, Reflecting on Anti-bias Education in Action: The Early Years (48 minutes), produced by Debbie LeeKeenan and John Nimmo,  features vignettes of anti-bias strategies in early childhood classrooms interspersed with teachers reflecting on their practice.  Website
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome Association RSDSA is a non-profit organization founded to meet the need for awareness of RSD/CRPS among healthcare professionals, patients and their families, to encourage research into the cause and cure of RSD/CRPS and to establish a national databank by providing the following services. Website available in English, Spanish and French. Website
Reforming Personnel Preparation in Early Intervention Reforming Personnel Preparation in Early Intervention was only available to purchase until recently. Now the editors are making this useful resource available online. A PDF file of any chapter may now be downloaded by clicking on the desired chapter. Revolutionizing traditional approaches to personnel preparation, this manual introduces strategies for delivering creative and effective cross-disciplinary training. Website
Relaciones con las familias (Relationships with Families) Estrategias de comunicación para ayudar a los cuidadores a construir relaciones positivas con las familias de los niños en su programa. Communication strategies for helping caregivers build positive relationships with the families of the children in their program. Tipsheet