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Resource Name Description Resource Type
National Association for the Education of Young Children The National Assocaition for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is an organization dedicated to improving the well-being of all young children, with particular focus on the quality of educational and developmental services for all children from birth to age 8. Website
National Association for the Visually Handicapped The National Association for the Visually Handicapped website has resources, real-mail newsletter, online translator into 5 languages, low-vision aids store, assistive technology, lots of comprehensive links, FAQs, membership benefits, and contact info. Website
National Association of School Psychologists The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is the premier source of knowledge, professional development, and resources, empowering school psychologists to ensure that all children and youth attain optimal learning and mental health. Website
National Association of State Boards of Education The National Association of State Boards of Education website has a wealth of information. Topics range from curriculum, early childhood, IDEA, special education, "No Child Left Behind", healthy schools just to name a few. The website has links to all state boards of education as well as a bookstore. Website
National Association of the Deaf The National Association of the Deaf safeguards the accessibility and civil rights of people who are deaf or hard of hearing. The site includes information on job placements, legal assistance in housing and employment issues. Website
National Associaton for Down Syndrome NADS is the oldest organization in the country serving individuals with Down syndrome and their families. It was founded in Chicago in 1961 by parents who chose to go against medical advice and raised their children with Down syndrome at home. Their pioneering efforts have made it easier for later generations of individuals with Down syndrome to be accepted by their families and communities, to develop their capabilities, and to work towards independence. Our mission is to ensure that all persons with Down syndrome have the opportunity to achieve their potential in all aspects of community life. We offer information, support, and advocacy. The direct support we provide to families through our Parent Support Program, our Mentoring Program, the Work Experience Program, and other individualized services is at the core of our mission, but we do not have the staff or the resources to provide those services outside of the Chicago metropolitan area. However, many of our other services are available to a wider community, including our conferences, our products and publications, our website and online Discussion Forum, and the information about Down syndrome we provide. Our members can be found throughout the United States?and across the globe. Website
National Ataxia Foundation The National Ataxia Foundation's primary mission of encouraging and supporting research into Hereditary Ataxia, a group of neurological disorders which are chronic and progressive conditions affecting coordination. They support research, increase public awareness, and publish a newsletter. Website
National Attention Deficit Disorder Association The National Attention Deficit Disorder Association site provides information, research, and public advocacy focusing on adults and young adults with ADD. Includes a Kid's Area and a Teen area. Website
National Brain Tumor Foundation The National Brain Tumor Foundation website provides a comprehensive list of resources to help find out more about brain tumor diagnosis and treatments. The site provides a list of resources on brain tumor organizations, internet resources, cancer organizations and caregiver resources. Website
National Center for Children in Poverty Effective Preschool Curricula and Teaching Strategies: Pathways to Early School Success is a report from NCCP that provides research and practice about curricular and teacher support strategies that are critical to reducing the achievement gap for young, low income children. Website