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Markuu Soo Siyaado Walaac--Jawaab celis ku saabsan wixii su'aalo ah oo daryeeluhu ka qabo tuhun ama walaac ku saabsan koriimada ilmo uu hayo Kala soo qaybgala, Marian Hassan oo inoo marti gelin barnaaminkan iyadoo Afka Soomaaliga adeegsanaysa oo ka jawaab celin sadex su’aalood oo ah su'aalaha baddanaa la is waydiiyo marka uu soo siyaado walaac ku saabsan koriimadda ilmaha. Marian waxay nala wadaagi talaabooyinka ugu muhiimsan oo ay tahay in la qaado si loo sameeyo jawi wanaagsan oo waalidka lagula hadli karo oo suurto gelin kara wadda hadal fiyow iyo isfaham. Intaas oo ay dheer ahay talooyin ku salaysan adeegsiga ilmaha oo si joogto ah loo derso ama loo eego lana diiwaangeliyo dhowridaas si ay uga turjunto xaalada koriinka ilmaha iyo wixii isbedal ah oo jira oo waaridka lala wadaagi karo. Podcast
Más parecidos que diferentes (More Alike Than Different) ¡Nuevo Autoestudio!Explore la conciencia de la capacidad y el respeto por la diversidad dentro del entorno de cuidado infantil. Examine sus propias actitudes en torno a la discapacidad y cómo eso afecta las prácticas de cuidado infantil, incluida la inclusión y la expulsión. Desarrolle estrategias para la inclusión exitosa de niños con discapacidades. Este es un autoestudio en línea.Áreas del Marco de Conocimientos y Competencias -II.A: Crear experiencias de aprendizaje positivas (10 horas)Áreas de contenido de CDA -II. Pasos para avanzar en el desarrollo físico e intelectual de los niños (10 horas)Nivel 1 - ExploraPara diez horas en su Registro de aprendizaje, regístrese y pague en línea en Develop. Luego, complete un documento de reflexión de 500 palabras y envíelo con su reflexión. Tenga en cuenta que únicamente tiene acceso a ese documento como modo de visualización. Para habilitar la edición, descargue el documento. Haga clic en "archivo" y luego en "descargar como" en la esquina superior izquierda de esta pantalla. Esto le dará la opción de abrir el documento como un documento de Word en su propia computadora. Luego, puede completar la información y enviarla por correo electrónico a: credit@inclusivechildcare.org. * Haga caso omiso de las instrucciones con respecto a un examen final. La única evaluación de aprendizaje necesaria es el documento de reflexión. Course
Materials Adaptation Explore this in-service suite to find strategies for using materials adaptation. These strategies help to increase the participation of children who need more support or challenge. Discover examples that illustrate what the strategies look like in the classroom. Document
Maternal & Child Health Public Health Welcome to the Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health website. The MCH Center at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, serves to advance the health of children and their families. The website offers training information, fact sheets, power point presentations and additional resources. Website
Math Activities for Infants and Toddlers are Everyday Explorations From the Erikson Institute Early Math Collaborative - Long before they can talk or explain, babies are thinking logically and exploring ordinary everyday objects, sensations, and experiences that are new to them. They are trying to find out more about questions such as: “What is this?” “How does it work?” and “How is it the same and different from something I already know?” Website
Math in the Bath "Bath time is perfect for exploring math with your young child! Not only do you have each other’s full attention, but the learning can be hands on, playful, and messy." Check out the link below from Sarah Erdmann at NAEYC. Website
Math Skills at Different Ages Kids start learning math the moment they start exploring the world. Each skill — from identifying shapes to counting to finding patterns — builds on what they already know. There are certain math milestones most kids hit at roughly the same age. But keep in mind that kids develop math skills at different rates. If kids don’t yet have all the skills listed for their age group, that’s OK. This resource, from Understood, shows how math skills typically develop as kids get older. Website
MayoClinic.com The Mayo Clinic website is a natural extension of Mayo's long-standing commitment to provide health education to patients and the general public. It has information on Diseases and Conditions (A-Z) to a First Aid and Self Card guide. Website
Meal Time--Magic or Mayhem: Part Three In the conclusion of our series on daily activities in child care programs, we will talk about the benefits to children with and without disabilities that come from meal time. This is another area of the day when challenging behaviors can take our focus from what we are trying to accomplish like community-building, sharing, emotional regulation and other skills. What can you do when a child eats more slowly than their peers? What about a child who takes someone else’s food? Listen to this lively discussion of the important part of the day. Podcast
Meaningful Access Participation and Supports Delaware MAPS (Meaningful Access Participation & Supports) is a component of Delaware?s Early Childhood Inclusion Toolkit and is intended to be a resource to those who want to know about and make certain of high quality environments and experiences that meaningfully include children with disabilities. Document