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Resource Name Description Resource Type
International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education International Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE) is an online, open-access, scholarly , peer-reviewed journal offering scholarly articles on various issues of young children with special needs (0-8 age) and their families. The first issue will be published in June 2009. Website
International Myeloma Foundation The International Myeloma Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for multiple myeloma patients while working towards prevention and a cure. The website has information on online support groups, research grants, and information packets. Website
International Pre-Autistic Network IPAN - International Pre-Autistic Network is an international group of psychoanalytically informed clinicians and researchers who come together for the cross-fertilization of ideas, opinions and insights. The objective is to initiate research projects and share study results for the purpose of publicizing the concept of pre-autism and to broaden the knowledge-base about detection, diagnosis and treatment of pre-autism. The guiding principle is the understanding that when autism is detected in infants during their first year of life, appropriate intervention at this age can redirect their development. This initiative will encourage intervention before symptoms escalate and a diagnosis of autism becomes inevitable at a later stage of development. This website includes information on detecting pre-autistic behaviors, treatment,advocacy as well as research among others. Website
International Rett Syndrome Association The International Rett Syndrome Association website offers comprehensive information relating to Rett Syndrome and the International Rett Syndrome Association. The site map includes information on Rett Syndrome, research, communication resources, individual stories, education, therapy info, and support resources. The site can be translated using a link system to AltaVista translator. Website
International Society on Early Intervention The primary purpose of the ISEI is to provide a framework and forum for professionals from around the world to communicate about advances in the field of early intervention. The membership of ISEI is composed of basic and clinical researchers relevant to the field of early intervention representing a diverse array of biomedical and behavioral disciplines, as well as clinicians and policy-makers in leadership positions. As such, linkages between basic science and applied research, interdisciplinary collaborations, and connections between research and practice are emphasized. To foster communication and research collaborations, the ISEI sponsors or co-sponsors international conferences, provides information about conferences relevant to the field of early intervention, publishes a membership directory, and has established an information exchange mechanism through the Internet. Website
Internet Resource for Special Children ( IRSC) The Internet Resources for Special Children (IRSC) web site provides a wide-range of resources for children with disabilities, friends, parents, educators, and professionals. The site is meant to be a starting point for information, awareness and advocacy for children with disabilities as it links to hundreds of useful internet sites. The links include information on everything from adaptive clothing to employment resources to travel information. It is an extremely useful resource. Website
Intervention: Dialogic Reading The What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) has started to examine research on curricula and instructional strategies for 3 to 5 year old children with disabilities. The first intervention report in this new topic area looks at Dialogic Reading, an interactive shared picture-book reading practice designed to enhance young children's language and literacy skills. Website
Intro to Temperaments--How are Children Wired? We will begin a series of podcasts on the major temperament traits that can relate to challenging behaviors at times. In the first podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk about how temperament traits impact each of us as adults including our perceptions and relationships. When we consider children, we need to realize that they also come to us with a unique blend of the 10 temperament traits that influence their interactions with others. The more we understand ourselves and the children we work with, the more likely we will be to avoid some of the challenges that come with the extremes of temperament. Podcast
Involving Children in Child Care Emergency Preparedness "Just as it is important to partner with families for child care emergency preparedness, it is important to involve children as well. Even young children can learn about and help prepare for emergencies. Clear communication between adults and the children in their care is important to help children with emergency preparedness, response and recovery. Explanations and interactions should be developmentally appropriate, and adults should remain calm to help children remain calm." Here is a great resource from Child Care Aware of America. Document
IR VS. NO IR: Preparar la Evacuación o el Refugio En El Lugar Existen muchos tipos de emergencias. En algunas situaciones, puede que necesite evacuar (“IR”). Sin embargo, hay otras emergencias en las que es mejor refugiarse en el lugar (“NO IR”). El tipo de emergencia determina cómo debe reaccionar. Establezca un sistema de alerta para que el personal y los niños sepan qué medidas deben tomar. Document