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1-2-3 Trauma-Sensitive Toolkit for Caregivers This toolkit was developed by public health nurses with the Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) Weaving Bright Futures Program. Their goal was to improve the resilience of caregivers and the children in their care. It is intended to support caregivers on their journey toward trauma sensitivity. It is organized by topic. Each topic contains a brief overview, specific tools that can be used with children, and suggestions on where to find more information. Also included are handouts that can be used as teaching aids. Each toolkit topic builds upon the previous ones. Website
100 Tricks To Help You De-Stress Here's a set of 100 expert and research-backed ways to relax, whether you have five minutes, five hours, or five weeks. Website
22 Respectful Ways to Respond when Someone Uses the "R" Word How many of us have been in a conversation with someone--a friend or coworker, or perhaps a new acquaintance--and he or she casually uses the R-word in a derogatory way? It can be a difficult situation to navigate, especially with someone you're not totally comfortable with. What's the best way to express how problematic and hurtful that word can be? We teamed up with Spread the Word to End the Word to ask our Facebook communities how they respond (respectfully) when it happens. These are just some of the great suggestions we received.  Website
A Better Start: Why Classroom Diversity Matters in Early Education The results of this study show racial/ethnic and economic disparities in preschool enrollment and in the quality of preschool that children experience. Among families who do enroll in preschool, the study finds that most children attend classrooms that are homogenous in family income, and often in race/ethnicity as well. The result is a segregated system in which low-income and minority children often attend low-quality and non-diverse early-childhood programs. The authors discuss researching findings on why the socioeconomic and racial/ethnic composition of early childhood classrooms is important and provide a number of suggestions for steps that can be taken to increase diversity. Document
A to Z Teacher Stuff A to Z Teacher Stuff is a teacher-created site designed to help teachers find online resources more quickly and easily. Find lesson plans, thematic units, teacher tips, discussion forums for teachers, downloadable teaching materials, and eBooks, printable worksheets and blacklines, emergent reader books, themes, and more. This website also includes strategies to help support children with ADHD in the classroom environment. Website
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Young Students "While teachers don’t need to know the details of preschoolers’ adverse experiences, offering appropriate care and support is crucial." Check out the full Edutopia article below. Website
A Universal Checklist for Early Intervention This Practice Guide from TRACE (Tracking, Referral, and Assessment Center for Excellence) provides a universal checklist for identifying infants and toddlers that may be eligible for early intervention. The checklist was specifically developed to facilitate and streamline the identification of potentially eligible children without the need to administer screening or developmental tests and was designed to be used by primary referral sources to make referrals to early intervention. Document
AAC-RERC The AAC-RERC conducts a comprehensive program of research, development, training, and dissemination activities that address the NIDRR priorities and seek to improve technologies for individuals who rely on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) technologies. The mission of the AAC-RERC is to assist people who rely on augmentative and alternative communication to achieve their goals by advancing and promoting AAC technologies and supporting the individuals who use, manufacture, and recommend them. Website
Abbott Northwestern Hospital The Abbott Northwestern Hospital website is home base for the Twin Cities' largest healthcare facility. This site has a comprehensive list of programs and services, FAQ's, specialized patient and visitor info, and contact information for the Neuroscience institute, reproductive medicine, rehab info, behavioral health, individual disease centers, an intrastate search engine and much more. On this site you will find medical information, behavioral health information, outpatient services, and classes offered through Abbott Northwestern hospital. It is extremely comprehensive with regard to all facilities and services offered through Allina Healthcare services. Website
Abilities Network Maryland services and support for persons with disabilities and inclusion. Training, consultation and respite care services all available. Website