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Help Me Connect: New Updates Help Me Connect from the MN Department of Health is celebrating three years of serving families in Minnesota. Listen as we reconnect with Shawn Holmes, the Help Me Connect Coordinator, as she highlights some of the new and exciting updates to this helpful site, including a provider referral system. Enhancements include access to electronic developmental and social-emotional screenings, an online chat function, and exploration of a toll-free number for families and providers to access navigation support.For more information:Help Me Connect: Me Connect Newsletter:  Podcast
10 Accessible and Sensory-Friendly Halloween Ideas for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired Although originally designed for children with visual impairments, this resource offers activities that all children would find enjoyable! Website
10 Halloween Safety Tips for Children with Special Needs Check out these safety tips from the National Lekotek Center for all children to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween! Document
12 Easy Ways to Help Burn Energy and Calm Children of All Abilities “Many parents are now working from home and trying to juggle distance learning for their children.”  Fraser has come up with some ideas to help. Website
12 Key Practices for High-Quality Early Childhood Inclusion Which inclusive practices do early childhood programs need to master in order to welcome and support all learners? This blog post, will take you through the 12 inclusive practices with the strongest research base for supporting young children in inclusive programs.  These practices come from the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP™), a field-tested observational tool for classrooms serving children ages 2-5.  Website
12 Ways to Play With Rocks Collecting and exploring rocks teaches toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age kids a host of things from focus to creativity to building a foundation in STEAM concepts. This article is from Tinkergarten and was posted on the Highlights website. Website
14 Multicultural Children’s Books About Spunky Princesses These multicultural children’s books about spunky princesses challenge princess, gender and racial stereotypes and will empower girls to just be who they are meant to be. Website
15 Children's Books to Celebrate Women's History Month From PBS Kids for Parents, "In honor of Women’s History Month, here are 15 books about impactful and inspirational historic and modern-day women. While some of these women are well-known, others are not — yet all of them have made an important mark on the world." Website
22 Respectful Ways to Respond when Someone Uses the "R" Word How many of us have been in a conversation with someone--a friend or coworker, or perhaps a new acquaintance--and he or she casually uses the R-word in a derogatory way? It can be a difficult situation to navigate, especially with someone you're not totally comfortable with. What's the best way to express how problematic and hurtful that word can be? We teamed up with Spread the Word to End the Word to ask our Facebook communities how they respond (respectfully) when it happens. These are just some of the great suggestions we received.  Website
37 Children’s Books to Help Talk About Racism & Discrimination Talking to our children about racism and discrimination is as necessary as it is uncomfortable for most parents. The books on this list are a selection of picture books and novels about the past and the present.  Document