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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Muhimadda joogtaynta iyo jadwalka horumarinta caafimaadka (The Importance of Routines and Schedules for Children's Health Development)

Muhimadda joogtaynta iyo jadwalka horumarinta caafimaadka (The Importance of Routines and Schedules for Children's Health Development)

Marak dhallaanka iyo socodbaradka ay qayb ka yihiin waxqabadyada iyo caadooyinka caadiga ah ee la yaqaan, waxay la koraan xiriirka dadka ay la falgalaan waxayna helaan dareen lahaanshaha iyo isku kalsooni iyo kalsooni dheeraad ah marka hawl maalmeedkooda la saadaaliyo lana yaqaan. Jadwal maalinle ah oo joogto ah iyo nidaamyo tallaabo  tallaabo  ah ayaa carrurta siinayo maalin la saadaalin karo. Jadwalka iyo niddamka joogtada ah ee goobta daryeelk kooxda iyo gurigaba waxay caawiyaan carruurta.

(Length: 16:35)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Muhiimadda Akhriska iyo Qoraalka Hore(The Importance of Early Literacy)

Muhiimadda Akhriska iyo Qoraalka Hore(The Importance of Early Literacy)

Early Literacy waa aasaaska hore ee dhismaha akhriska iyo qoraalka. Ilmuhu waxay u baahan yihiin fursado badan oo ka dhisa aasaaska akhriska iyo qoraalka. Ilamaha akhris iyo qoraalkoodu wacan yahay wayku fiicnaadaan daruusta, wayna ku hormaraan guud ahaan waxbarasha. Waalidka ama Daryeeluhu kaalin wayn ayay ka geysan karaan dhismaha aasaaska akhrisa iyo qoraalka kaalintaas oo ah ilmaha oo si joogto ah buug loogu akhriyo, loogu sheekooyo loona siiyo fursado badan oo luqada  xageeda ah.

 Marian Hassan oo ah Tacliimiye ah sigaarana u taageerta dhismaha akhriska iyo qoraalka waxay waxnooga sheegi muhiimadda aasaaska hore ee akhriska iyo qoraalka u leeyahay ilmaha, iyo kaalinta waalidka iyo daryeelahu ka geysan karaan dhismaha aasaaska akhriska iyo qoraalka.

(Length: 19: 17)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Creando empatía a través de los libros para niños (Creating Empathy Through Children’s Books)

Creando empatía a través de los libros para niños (Creating Empathy Through Children’s Books)

¿Cuál es la importancia de agregar libros multiculturales a nuestras bibliotecas de preescolar? Únase a Karina Elze, miembro de la junta directiva en CICC y anteriormente especialista en RBPD, mientras habla con Claire Undis, maestra de EL. Juntas compartirán la importancia de leer historias donde los niños puedan verse a sí mismos en las páginas, así como historias diferentes a ellas para crear empatía. 

(Length: 27:20)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Benefits of a Positive ECSE Partnership

Benefits of a Positive ECSE Partnership

We wrap up the series with Kiley Hendrick, ECSE Teacher, St. Paul Public Schools, and Jackie Johnson, CICC Coach by discussing what is helpful in the ECSE-child care partnership and what are some possible roadblocks to success? 

(Length: 21:39)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Special Education and Early Childhood Educators Partnership Success

Special Education and Early Childhood Educators Partnership Success

Kiley Hendrick, ECSE Teacher, St. Paul Public Schools, and Jackie Johnson, CICC Coach join us for part two to discuss key components of success in the partnership between child care and ECSE.

(Length: 18:30)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Early Childhood Special Education: The System and Process

Early Childhood Special Education: The System and Process

Join us as we host Kiley Hendrick, ECSE Teacher, St. Paul Public Schools, and Jackie Johnson, CICC Coach in a discussion of an overview of the early childhood special education, the system, and the process of evaluation.

(Length: 20:15)