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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Los beneficios del aprendizaje al aire libre (The Benefits of Outdoor Learning)

Los beneficios del aprendizaje al aire libre (The Benefits of Outdoor Learning)

En este episodio, Karina Pliego, CICC Support, y el invitado Ronan Hernandez-Pratt hablan sobre los maravillosos beneficios del aprendizaje y el juego al aire libre y los pasos y estrategias a tomar en cuenta al planificar el tiempo al aire libre.

(Length: 21:27)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Creating Safe Play Areas

Creating Safe Play Areas

Keeping children safe while they are playing in their early childhood setting is key to quality care.  Listen as we welcome Sarah Hawley, Child Care Health Consultant and Public Health Nurse.  She gives essential tips to consider when you are preparing and maintaining your play spaces and shares strategies to lessen injuries, keep children and staff safe, and provide positive outdoor or indoor large muscle play.

(Length: 22:56)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Supporting the Sensory Needs of Young Children

Supporting the Sensory Needs of Young Children

Our guest in this episode of the Inclusion Matters podcast is Alyssa Mason, Pediatric Occupational Therapist from M Health Fairview. She joins us to discuss the sensory systems and sensory needs of young children in our care. This first conversation talks us through "a day in the life of a preschooler in child care" from a sensory needs perspective. This podcast recording was funded by Greater Twin Cities United Way (GTCUW) 80x3 - Resilient from the Start.


(Length: 28:21)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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The Importance of Health Screening for Young Children

The Importance of Health Screening for Young Children

Inclusion Matters hosts a conversation with Faith Kidder, a Child Health Consultant from the Child and Teen Checkups (C&TC) Team at the Minnesota Department of Health.  Faith leads us through a discussion about the importance of early screening for young children and the ways that Minnesota supports this process through many resources like Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT), a federal program to ensure the children who are eligible for Medical assistance receive appropriate timely preventive well child health care.

(Length: 21:30)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Follow Along Program: Minnesota Department of Health

Follow Along Program: Minnesota Department of Health

Our guest Michele Kvikstad, Program Coordinator for Follow Along in Minnesota joins us to share about this wonderful free program for families.  Michele highlights the way the Follow Along Program helps support caregivers of infants and young children to track their child's development and let you know if your child is playing, talking, growing, moving, and behaving like other children the same age. Listen and learn more about this great free resource for families. https://www.health.state.mn.us/mnfap


(Length: 20:38)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Waqtiyo wax lagu Baro Ilmaha Guriga (Teaching Moments with Babies at Home)

Waqtiyo wax lagu Baro Ilmaha Guriga (Teaching Moments with Babies at Home)

Podcast-kan waxaan kaga hadlaynaa sida waalidiinta/daryeelayaashu ay u bilaabi karaan inay caruurtooda wax ku baraan guriga, sida daqiiqad kasta oo ay la qaataan ubadku u tahay waqti waxbarid, waxqabadyada waalidiintu kula samayn karaan caruurtooda guriga, iyo dhammaan faa'iidooyinka korriinka ee baritaanka dhallaanka.

 In this podcast we are discussing how parents or caregivers can start educating their little ones at home, how every moment spent with a child is a teaching moment, activities parents can do with their little ones at home, and over all developmental benefits teaching babies. 

(Length: 21: 27)