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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Play--Helping Children Who Won’t Stay or Won’t Leave: Part Two

Play--Helping Children Who Won’t Stay or Won’t Leave: Part Two

Building on the foundation of play skills from Part One, this podcast will examine children who can’t seem to settle into play activities or, conversely, the child who doesn’t want to leave a center or a particular toy. How can the early educator intervene to ensure that a child feels safe and secure but also is building important peer relationships? Inclusion consultant Priscilla Weigel will share some strategies that can help children settle into play.

(Length: 8:40)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Play--Play Skills are Developmental Too: Part One

Play--Play Skills are Developmental Too: Part One

In this podcast, we look at children’s development from infant stages through older preschool to explore what types of play children should typically be engaged in at different ages. Play is both developmental and learned so children need our help in acquiring skills that help them move from stage to stage. We will set the foundation for talking about some of the challenges children may face in their play.

(Length: 10:27)