Tune in for a dynamic mix of topics tailored for early childhood professionals!
Sensory Processing--Evaluation Process
In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what the evaluation process for sensory processing looks for a young child.
(Length: 10:38 minutes)How Does Occupational Therapy Help Children?
(Length: 9:28 minutes)In this podcast, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel talk with Gina Gibson, Occupational Therapist, Fraser, Minnesota, about what occupational therapy is and how an OT works with children around self care skills, sensory needs, and fine motor development.
Using Visual Supports in Early Childhood Programs: Part Two
In part 2 of this series on effective use of visual supports in the child care setting, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel share simple ways to develop and use visual supports for infants and toddlers. They discuss the way these tools support language and learning for our youngest children.
(Length: 9:46)
Using Visual Supports in Early Childhood Programs: Part One
In this two part series on effective use of visual supports, Cindy Croft and Priscilla Weigel discuss the importance of using visuals when creating a positive social emotional and cognitive learning environment for young children. Examples and strategies for introducing and implementing a visual schedule and other visual supports in the early childhood setting are given.
(Length: 12:31)The Fundamentals of Consultation [Muhiimadda ay Leedahay Tala Qaadashada]
Muxuuyahay tababarka ama latalinta xagga Inclusion’ka ama kamidnoqoshada ay caruurtu carruurta kale lamid noqonayso iyo sida ay faa’iido ugu tahay caruurta xanaanada ubadka yaryar lagu hayyo jooga oo baaahida gaarka ah leh? Podcast’kaan waa podacast ama maqaalka uguhoreeya maqaalada xirrirka ah oo laxirrira arinta tababarka ama latalinta xagga caruurta sida ay kuwa kale oga mid noqon lahaayeen.
(Length: 8:06)Meal Time--Magic or Mayhem: Part Three
In the conclusion of our series on daily activities in child care programs, we will talk about the benefits to children with and without disabilities that come from meal time. This is another area of the day when challenging behaviors can take our focus from what we are trying to accomplish like community-building, sharing, emotional regulation and other skills. What can you do when a child eats more slowly than their peers? What about a child who takes someone else’s food? Listen to this lively discussion of the important part of the day.
(Length: 14:51)