Tune in for a dynamic mix of topics tailored for early childhood professionals!
Attachment: Supporting Parent Child Relationships and Separation
During Part 4 of our series on attachment, Dr. Mary Harrison shifts the focus of our conversation to the topic of separation, and ways early childhood educators promote parent child relationships during arrivals and departures.
(Length: 12:09)Attachment and Exploration
Part 3 of our series on attachment continues the conversation about responsive caregiving practices, with a focus on the importance of providing a secure base for infants and toddlers as they begin to explore the world.
(Length: 11:03)Attachment and Child Care Relationships
In Part 2 of our series on attachment, Beth Menninga and Dr. Mary Harrison discuss how early childhood educators can promote strong relationships between caregivers and very young children through responsive, consistent caregiving.
(Length: 10:05)Attachment: What is it and when does it develop?
This CICC podcast in the first in a series focusing on attachment during the first two years of life, and the role that early educators play in this important social emotional process. Beth Menninga welcomes Dr. Mary Harrison as a guest speaker and they kick off the series by defining attachment, describing when we begin to see attachment behaviors and what those look like with infants and toddlers.
(Length: 16:19)Infant Toddler Language Development: Part Four [Dhisidda Luuqadda ee Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Qeybta 4]
Qaybta afaraad waxay inoo sharaxaysaa arimo laxiriira waalidka iyo saamayta ay kuleedahay korinnimada ubadka yar yar iyo waxbarashadooda.
(Length: 8:43)Infant Toddler Curriculum--Learning and Planning for Learning: Part Three [Ubadka Dhashay iyo Kuwa Socodbaradka ah Manhajkooda – Waxbarashada iyo Qorsheynta Waxbarashada Qeybta 3]
Qeybta sadaxaad waxay kahadlaysaa sida ay muhiim utahay sida qofka caruurta wax baraya looga rabo in uu uqasdo waxabarashada uguna fiirsado habladhaqanka ubadka yar yar iyo kuwa socodka baradka sii uu ugu saleeyo waxbarashada korinimadooda.
(Length: 8:41)