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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Creating Safe Play Areas

Creating Safe Play Areas

Keeping children safe while they are playing in their early childhood setting is key to quality care.  Listen as we welcome Sarah Hawley, Child Care Health Consultant and Public Health Nurse.  She gives essential tips to consider when you are preparing and maintaining your play spaces and shares strategies to lessen injuries, keep children and staff safe, and provide positive outdoor or indoor large muscle play.

(Length: 22:56)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Safe and Healthy Naptime Routines

Safe and Healthy Naptime Routines

Our guest, Public Health Nurse Sarah Hawley from Minnesota Child Care Health Consultants, joins Inclusion Matters for another episode, this time focusing on safe and healthy naptime routines, policies, and practices.  Sleep is essential for overall good health of the child and the whole family.  Listen and gain resources and tools to support quality sleep for young children while in child care.

(Length: 22:22)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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When to Exclude Children from Child Care Due to Illness

When to Exclude Children from Child Care Due to Illness

Our guest Sarah Hawley of Minnesota Child Care Health Consultants is back again for another episode to support healthy child care settings.  Priscilla Weigel and Sarah discuss the common illnesses that require exclusion from child care settings and why.  Policies and communication with families and staff are also discussed as well as illness that does not require exclusion. 

(Length: 23:34)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Keeping the Team Safe and Well

Keeping the Team Safe and Well

Public Health Nurse Sarah Hawley, from Minnesota Child Care Health Consultants talks with us about ways to keep the whole team healthy in a child care setting. Staff health directly effects the health of children and their families.  Sarah talks with us about ways we can build a healthy lifestyle and also keep germs at bay in the workplace and keep those germs from spreading to families.

(Length: 25:58)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Health Precautions Related to Covid-Updates as of September 29, 2022

Health Precautions Related to Covid-Updates as of September 29, 2022

Our guest, Sarah Hawley, RN, BSN, PHN, shares the most recent updates to the precautions and expectations that child care settings need in place related to the current Covid status.  This episode covers an overview of the CDC’s CURRENT Operational Guidance to Support In-person Learning


(Length: 26:26)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Supporting Breast Feeding in Child Care

Supporting Breast Feeding in Child Care

Public Health Nurse and owner of MN Child Care Health Consultants, Sarah Hawley, joins us on this episode to share ways early childhood professionals can create a “breastfeeding friendly” child care setting.  Sarah highlights the health benefits of breastfeeding and the ways that supporting this personal parent decision can enhance the overall setting.

(Length: 21:48)