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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Center for Inclusive Child Care Coaching Part 1- Building Relationships

Center for Inclusive Child Care Coaching Part 1- Building Relationships

Priscilla Weigel begins a three part conversation with two CICC coaches, Dana Ellingson and Jackie Johnson. They discuss the CICC coaching process in both a center-based and family child care setting and how the first connections build a supportive partnership.

(Length: 10:30)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Resolving Conflicts

Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Resolving Conflicts

Conflict can happen when adults spend time together. What are the practices that you follow to support your teaching team when issues arise? This podcast addresses ways to create space for conversation in a respectful manner that helps clear the air so the team can function properly and positively.

(Length: 11:11)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Communication with Families

Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Communication with Families

Families are an essential part of the child care community.  This podcast addresses the need for clear procedures for sharing information with families, for connecting with families and for creating a sense of belonging for not just the child but for the entire family in your child care setting.

(Length: 9:23)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Planning Ahead

Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Planning Ahead

Priscilla Weigel is joined by colleagues Beth Menninga and Brenda Lowe to continue the conversation related to creating a supportive team.  The discussion centers around ways to plan for coordination and building a teamwork approach to care for young children.

(Length: 9:49)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Building Routines that Support Success

Teamwork in the Child Care Setting- Building Routines that Support Success

During this podcast, Priscilla Weigel talks with CICC team members, Beth Menninga and Brenda Lowe about building routines of support for adults who provide care to children in child care settings. How do we plan for each day? What does a shared task schedule look like and what does it need to include?

(Length: 9:37)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Child Care Aware: Seeking Child Care--The Provider Perspective

Child Care Aware: Seeking Child Care--The Provider Perspective

Licensed child care providers in Minnesota can make sure that they are providing updated information about their child care setting to families by using the Business Update Tool. Deb Spaeth and Priscilla Weigel walk through the process.  

(Length: 9:55)