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Inclusion Matters Podcast Logo

Inclusion Matters is a podcast produced by CICC. Early childhood experts discuss a wide array of important topics for early childhood professionals.

Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Overcast, and Podchaser.


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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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El papel del adulto en el juego (The Role of the Adult in Play)

El papel del adulto en el juego (The Role of the Adult in Play)

Únase a nosotros mientras nuestros invitados, Ronan y Karina, exploran la importancia que nosotros, como adultos, tenemos cuando se trata de los niños y el juego. ¿Cómo podemos motivar a los niños a explorar su entorno y brindarles las herramientas que necesitan para florecer en su desarrollo a través del juego? Escuché puntos importantes sobre lo crucial que es nuestro papel como adultos en el salón de clase.

Join us as our guests, Ronan and Karina, explore the importance that we, as adults, have when it comes to children and play. How can we motivate children to explore their environment and give them the tools they need to flourish in their development through play? Listen in on great points about how crucial our role is as adults in the classroom.


(Length: 20:05)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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La importancia del juego (The Importance of Play in a Child's Life )

La importancia del juego (The Importance of Play in a Child's Life )

Escuché a nuestros invitados, Ronan y Karina, hablar sobre la importancia del juego en el desarrollo de los niños pequeños. Ronan destaca formas en las que podemos fomentar el juego positivo tanto dentro como fuera del salón de clase. Únase a nosotros mientras exploramos estas ideas.

Listen in as our guests, Ronan and Karina, talk about the importance of play in the development of young children. Ronan highlights ways that we can encourage positive play both within the classroom and out. Join us as we explore these ideas. 

(Length: 22:55)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Part 2: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Extended Separations and Reunions

Part 2: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Extended Separations and Reunions

In this second part of our discussion, we are joined again by CICC Coaching Manager, Beth Menninga.  This segment focuses on extended separations and reunions with infants and toddlers.  We discuss military deployment, divorce/break up or split households, work travel, incarceration, foster care, hospitalization, immigration related separations, teacher leaves, and change of classroom or care setting. 

Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Part 1: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Routine Separations and Reunions

Part 1: Supporting Infants and Toddlers through Routine Separations and Reunions

Listen as Beth Menninga, our CICC Coaching Manager, joins Inclusion Matters and shares key practices to support our youngest learners through common daily separations and reunions. 

(Length: 31:02)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Part 2: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Preschoolers

Part 2: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Preschoolers

Join in our second part of a discussion on the importance of play with Dr. Sue Starks, Professor of Education and Chair of Early Childhood at Concordia University St. Paul.  We discuss the fact that play is a developmental need and that all children show us what they need through play.  Quality play is encouraged through the supports, prompts, activities, and experiences that we provide in the early childhood setting. Listen as Dr. Starks encourages us all to play!

(Length: 20:39)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Part 1: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Infants and Toddlers

Part 1: Supporting Quality Play Relationships-Infants and Toddlers

Listen as our guest, Dr. Sue Starks, Professor of Education and Chair of Early Childhood at Concordia University St. Paul, talks about one of her passions, supporting play in young children.  Dr. Starks shares that play is relationship based and your environment matters.  How can you align your space to foster early social emotional connection through play? Join us as we explore this important topic. 

(Length: 23:15)