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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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The Successful Learner Equation

The Successful Learner Equation

Inclusion Matters welcomes Olivia Christensen and Jon Vaupel from the Minnesota Department of Education, Division of Early Learning to discuss supporting children and their learning pathway-starting with kindergarten.  This podcast highlights the Successful Learner Equation, which recognizes that children are always ready to learn and that it is the responsibility of adults and systems to be ready to support all children as they grow and develop, and as they transition to kindergarten.  Listen and learn more about this exciting way to look at a child’s foundation for learning.  

(Length: 35:32)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Adaabta Ilmaha iyo Toosinta Saxan (Positive Behavior Guidance)

Adaabta Ilmaha iyo Toosinta Saxan (Positive Behavior Guidance)

Podcastigan wuxuu ka hadlaysaa Adaabta Ilmaha iyo toosinta saxan oo ah mid ku salaysan  xiriir wanaagsan oo ilmaha lala wadaago.

This podcast talks about Child Discipline and discipline based on a good relationship with the child.

(Length: 21:51)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Dismaha iyo Baraaraha Nolosha Ilmaha iyo Qoyska (Protective Factors)

Dismaha iyo Baraaraha Nolosha Ilmaha iyo Qoyska (Protective Factors)

Podcastigani wuxuu ka hadlayaa  “Protective Factors” oo ah qaab faa’iido wayn u leh dhismaha iyo baraaraha nolosha ilmaha iyo qoyska.

This podcast talks about "Protective Factors" which are a very useful way to build and nurture the life of the child and the family.

(Length: 28:25)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Fududeynta Fahamka Caafimaadka Madaxa (Demystifying Mental Health)

Fududeynta Fahamka Caafimaadka Madaxa (Demystifying Mental Health)

Dhacdadan (af Soomaaliga ah) Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach kaa ah, iyo martida gaarka ah Marian Hassan waxay ka wada hadlayaan muhiimadda fahamka Caafimaadka Maskaxda iyo baahida loo qabo isgaarsiinta iyo macluumaadka wadaagga mowduucan muhiimka ah.  Waxay sidoo kale sharraxaan sida Caafimaadka Maskaxda u saameeyo dhinac kasta oo nolosheena ah - shucuur, cilmi nafsi, iyo wanaag bulsho; sida aan dareemeyno, u fikirno, u dhaqanno, una xiriirno kuwa kale.

In this episode (in Somali) Bureeqo Dahir, CICC Coach, and special guest Marian Hassan discuss the importance of understanding Mental Health and the need for communication and information sharing around this important topic.  They also explain how Mental Health affects every aspect of our lives- emotional, psychological, and social well-being; how we feel, think, behave, and relate to others.

(Length: 25:42)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Utilizing the MACMH Toolkit for Healing-Centered Practice

Utilizing the MACMH Toolkit for Healing-Centered Practice

In this episode, Priscilla Weigel talks with MACMH Infant & Early Childhood Director Lauren Moberg about work the MN Association for Children’s Mental Health has been doing as a part of the MN Preschool Development Grant to support professionals in early care and education in their working with young children and families who have experienced stress and trauma.

To view the toolkit, click HERE


(Length: 24:54)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Technology- Saamaynta tignoolajiyada, warbaahinta bulshada (caafimaadka maskaxda) iyo sida loogu isticmaalo ujeedada.

Technology- Saamaynta tignoolajiyada, warbaahinta bulshada (caafimaadka maskaxda) iyo sida loogu isticmaalo ujeedada.

  • What is Technology? (Waa maxay Tignoolajiyadu/Farsamada?)

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology for Children? (Faa'iidooyinka iyo khasaarooyinka farsamada ee carruurta?) 

  • Screen Time management (Maaraynta Waqtiga Shaashada)

  • Social media and mental health in youth. (Warbaahinta bulshada iyo caafimaadka maskaxda ee dhalinyarada) 

(Length: 20: 07)