Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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MN Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network


MN Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network

Our guest Dr. Jennifer Hall-Lande, a lead researcher on the MN ADDM Network, invites us into a helpful discussion related to early care and education.  She specializes in research in early identification and prevalence of autism and other developmental disabilities at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on Community Integration and the Masonic Institute on the Developing Brain (MIDB).  She is also a clinical psychologist and serves as the CDC’s Act Early Ambassador to Minnesota.  Dr. Hall-Lande shares updated information about national autism numbers as well as Minnesota’s prevalence and explains the way this critical information is gathered.  She discusses symptoms of autism and shares ways that the early childhood educator can assist families as they navigate the pathway to diagnosis. 

(Length: 23: 59)