Tune in for a dynamic mix of topics tailored for early childhood professionals!
Inclusion Matters is also available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Podchaser.
Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 4
Infant and Toddler Language Development Series Part 4: Strategies that Foster Healthy Communication When There are Delays
Listen in to this four-part conversation about language development with our expert guest, Cindy McInroy, Speech- Language Therapist. Cindy brings over 35 years of experience working with young children to this information packed series. Everyone working with young children should have this information as we foster one of the key skills a child needs to unlock their lifelong learning.
(Length: 23:22)Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 3
Infant and Toddler Language Development Series Part 3: Concerns Related to Early Language Development
Listen in to this four-part conversation about language development with our expert guest, Cindy McInroy, Speech-Language Therapist. Cindy brings over 35 years of experience working with young children to this information packed series. Everyone working with young children should have this information as we foster one of the key skills a child needs to unlock their lifelong learning.
Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 2
Infant and Toddler Language Development Series Part 2: Toddlers Preschoolers Learning to Communicate
Listen in to this four-part conversation about language development with our expert guest, Cindy McInroy, Speech-Language Therapist. Cindy brings over 35 years of experience working with young children to this information packed series. Everyone working with young children should have this information as we foster one of the key skills a child needs to unlock their lifelong learning.
(Length: 24:56)
Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 1
Infant and Toddler Language Development Series Part 1: Infants Learning to Communicate
Listen in to this four-part conversation about language development with our expert guest, Cindy McInroy, Speech-Language Therapist. Cindy brings over 35 years of experience working with young children to this information packed series. Everyone working with young children should have this information as we foster one of the key skills a child needs to unlock their lifelong learning.
Help Me Connect: New Updates
Help Me Connect from the MN Department of Health is celebrating three years of serving families in Minnesota. Listen as we reconnect with Shawn Holmes, the Help Me Connect Coordinator, as she highlights some of the new and exciting updates to this helpful site, including a provider referral system. Enhancements include access to electronic developmental and social-emotional screenings, an online chat function, and exploration of a toll-free number for families and providers to access navigation support.
For more information:
Help Me Connect: https://helpmeconnect.web.health.state.mn.us/HelpMeConnect/
Help Me Connect Newsletter: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/MNDCYF/bulletins/3af38f9
(Length: 24:12)
The Successful Learner Equation
Inclusion Matters welcomes Olivia Christensen and Jon Vaupel from the Minnesota Department of Education, Division of Early Learning to discuss supporting children and their learning pathway-starting with kindergarten. This podcast highlights the Successful Learner Equation, which recognizes that children are always ready to learn and that it is the responsibility of adults and systems to be ready to support all children as they grow and develop, and as they transition to kindergarten. Listen and learn more about this exciting way to look at a child’s foundation for learning.
(Length: 35:32)