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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Autism Diagnosis: One Family’s Experience

Autism Diagnosis: One Family’s Experience

This podcast episode allows us to hear a unique perspective from a parent as she looks back over her family’s journey through a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Each path is unique in this process and we are able to hear the ups and downs from her individual perspective and learn what is working for her child, based on his needs.

(Length: 41:56)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Understanding Picky Eaters: Setting the Stage for Healthy Eating Habits

Understanding Picky Eaters: Setting the Stage for Healthy Eating Habits

Listen as our guest, Kate Abernathy, Registered and Licensed Dietitian and Chief Executive Officer of Providers Choice, joins us for a conversation about “picky eaters.”  Young children begin their lifelong relationship with food in early childhood.  How can we set the stage for an enjoyment of all types foods, and a willingness to try new foods?  Kate shares some tips.   

(Length: 26:03)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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The Medical Side of Behavioral Concerns

The Medical Side of Behavioral Concerns

In this episode Pediatrician, Dr. Kris Gendreau joins us to discuss the ways a child’s pediatrician can help decipher behaviors that may challenge.  She notes that behaviors can tell us that a child may be uncomfortable in their body, either due to external factors or internal factors and the pediatrician can dig deeper to decern what may be the cause.  Listen to learn more!


(Length: 25: 36)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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5 Estrategias efectivas de gestión del aula que se centran en la educación de la primera infancia (5 Effective Classroom Management Strategies That Focus On Early Childhood Education)

5 Estrategias efectivas de gestión del aula que se centran en la educación de la primera infancia (5 Effective Classroom Management Strategies That Focus On Early Childhood Education)

Únase a Karina Elze, miembro de la junta directiva en CICC y anteriormente especialista en RBPD, mientras habla con Susana Villegas, maestra de Pre-K. Ellas compartirán una combinación de estrategias para administrar su salón de clases de Pre-K, abordando estilos de aprendizaje que se enfoquen en los estudiantes y de esta manera motivarlos a aprender más.

Join Karina Elze, board member at CICC and former RBPD specialist, as she speaks with Susana Villegas, Pre-K teacher. They will share a combination of strategies for managing your Pre-K classroom, addressing learning styles that focus on students and thus motivate them to learn more.

(Length: 21:44)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 2) Proactive Ways to Help Lessen Behaviors that Challenge Us

Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 2) Proactive Ways to Help Lessen Behaviors that Challenge Us

Angeline Kallhoff and Tari Niemeyer, two of our CICC coaches, join us to continue our discussion of ways to respond to young children when they exhibit challenging behavior.  They share some proactive ways to set both you as the caregiver and the child up for success and calm the situation. 

(Length: 21:21)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 1) Common Responses to Behaviors that Challenge Us

Behavior in the Early Childhood Setting (Part 1) Common Responses to Behaviors that Challenge Us

Join us for our podcast episode with two of our CICC coaches, Angeline Kallhoff and Tari Niemeyer as we discuss some common responses to behavior challenges that may occur in the early childhood setting.  They discuss how our verbal response has the ability to teach a child some new skills if we think about how we phrase things. 

(Length: 20:39)