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Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Proyecto de 40 días (40 Day Project)

Proyecto de 40 días (40 Day Project)

Escuche mientras Karina Elze, miembro de la junta directiva del CICC, entrevista a la Dra. Silvia Álvarez de Dávila, Ph. D. CFLE, profesora de extensión del Departamento de Familia, Salud y Bienestar de la Extensión de la Universidad de Minnesota, y a la Dra. Enid Campos, directora clínica de The Center Clinic en Dodge Center, Minnesota. Ambas mujeres están trabajando para ayudar a desarrollar el Proyecto de 40 días, que brinda apoyo a los padres hispanohablantes. El Proyecto de 40 días promueve el bienestar mental y el apoyo social para los nuevos padres antes del nacimiento y durante las primeras cinco semanas posteriores al nacimiento.
Listen in as CICC Board Member Karina Elze interviews Dr. Silvia Alvarez de Davila Ph. D CFLE. Extension Professor, Department of Family, Health and Wellbeing at the University of Minnesota Extension, and Dr. Enid Campos, clinical director of The Center Clinic in Dodge Center, MN.  Both women are working to help develop The 40-Day Project, supporting Spanish-speaking parents.  The 40-Day Project promotes mental well-being and social support for new parents before birth and during the first five weeks after birth.
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Empowering Generational Greatness (EGG) Toolkit from The Family Partnership

Empowering Generational Greatness (EGG) Toolkit from The Family Partnership

Our guest Trinette Potts from The Family Partnership joins us to share a wonderful toolkit for early educators to support executive function and regulation in young children.  This simple-to-use toolkit can support school readiness, buffer children against the harmful effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and improves lifelong outcomes in physical, mental, and behavioral health that continue to the next generation.

Interested in learning more? Please contact:

(Length: 25:12)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta (SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project)

Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta (SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project)

Podcastgani wuxuu ku saabsan ilmaha oo Af Soomaali lagula hadlo inuu saldhig u tahay barashada iyo xagsiga Afka Hooyo iyo waxyaabaha suurta geliya in ilmahu Soomaaligu ka dhumin.  Bureeqo Dahir iyo Marian Hassan oo ka hadlaya Mashruuca ururinta iyo Diiwaangelinta Suugaanta Caruurta(SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Project).
This podcast is about the importance of oral language for bilingual children. It discusses how speaking to children in Somali, singing Lullabies, and reading to children gives children rich language experiences so they can learn and maintain their home language. Bureeqo Dahir and Marian Hassan discuss the SingAgain Somali Lullaby and Oral History Legacy Project in the podcast. 
(Length: 22:23)
Family, Inclusion
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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First Children’s Finance-Español

First Children’s Finance-Español

Únase a la Miembro de la Junta de CICC, Karina Elze, mientras conversa con Marilu Plamann, Especialista en Desarrollo Empresarial - Bilingüe (Español) de First Children’s Finance. Marilu destaca los maravillosos recursos que First Children’s Finance ofrece a los negocios de cuidado infantil para apoyarlos, mantenerlos y guiarlos en el camino hacia el éxito empresarial.

Join CICC Board Member Karina Elze as she talks with Marilu Plamann, Business Development Specialist-Bilingual (Spanish) from First Children’s Finance. Marilu highlights the wonderful resources that First Children’s Finance offers to child care businesses to support and sustain them and lead them on the path to business success.

(Length: 25:01)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 4

Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 4

Infant and Toddler Language Development Series Part 4: Strategies that Foster Healthy Communication When There are Delays

Listen in to this four-part conversation about language development with our expert guest, Cindy McInroy, Speech- Language Therapist.  Cindy brings over 35 years of experience working with young children to this information packed series.  Everyone working with young children should have this information as we foster one of the key skills a child needs to unlock their lifelong learning.

(Length: 23:22)
Podcast: Inclusion Matters
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Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 3

Infant and Toddler Language Development Series: Part 3

Infant and Toddler Language Development Series Part 3:  Concerns Related to Early Language Development
Listen in to this four-part conversation about language development with our expert guest, Cindy McInroy, Speech-Language Therapist.  Cindy brings over 35 years of experience working with young children to this information packed series.  Everyone working with young children should have this information as we foster one of the key skills a child needs to unlock their lifelong learning. 

(Length: 20:05)