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Social Skills for Middle School Students

Short Description
Includes information on prerequisites skills, skills in the classroom, skills with peers, and skills with adults. Examples include: Basic . Accepting Criticism . Accepting "No" . Apologizing . Dealing with Fear . Expressing Feelings . Following Directions . Introducing Yourself . Passing in Hallways . Proximity . Reading Body Language . Showing Respect . Solving a Problem . Talking With Others . Using Humor . Waiting Your Turn Disciplinary . Accepting Consequences . Controlling Anger . Following Rules . Good Sportsmanship . Learning to Disagree . Using Self-Control . Appropriate Language . Asking Questions . Getting Teacher's Attention . Ignoring Distractions . Listening to Others . Netiquette . Resisting Peer Pressure Self-Esteem . Accepting Compliments . Changes in Adolescence . Handling Embarrassment . Helping Others . Knowing Strengths . Trigger Points & Buttons . Arguing Respectfully . Conflict Resolution . Conversational Skills . Dealing with Bullying . Expressing Empathy . Expressing Grief . Maintaining Friendships . Making New Friends