
Partnership for People with Disabilities

Short Description
The Partnership for People with Disabilities, formerly known as the Virginia Institute for Developmental Disabilities (VIDD), is recognized by the federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities as a university center for excellence in developmental disabilities. Founded in 1985 under the leadership of Dr. Howard Garner with fewer than five staff at Virginia Commonwealth University, today the Partnership is proud to operate more than 20 federal and state programs, staffed by more than 100 professionals and students supporting individuals with disabilities and their families. The Partnership maintains an interdisciplinary approach to all of its activities, which allows it to explore a wide spectrum of professional services and community interests as it seeks to expand opportunities to individuals with disabilities. Among our most important partners in our efforts to create communities where all people live, work, and play together with choices and independence, are numerous disability service providers, K-12 schools and school divisions, universities and colleges, professional organizations, state and local agencies. Together, we are able to accomplish what no one agency or individual could ever hope to accomplish alone. No history of the Partnership would be complete without a special tribute to our advisory group members, advocacy groups, parents and parent organizations, individuals and families, who provide the basis and the energy for this exciting journey toward self-determination and community inclusion for persons with disabilities.