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Minnesota Newborn Hearing Screening

Short Description
The Minnesota Newborn Hearing Screening website contains the information regarding the Mission and Goals of the new Minnesoa Newborn Hearing Screening Initiative: Mission of the Program: "1-3-6" * To develop a voluntary system for universal Newborn Hearing Screening by 1 month of age, audiologic assessment by 3 months of age, and intervention by 6 months of age. * To expand collaboration among existing agencies toward capacity building, training and tracking and follow along. * To develop communication and public awareness programs. What is the Minnesota Newborn Hearing Screening Program? * Uses electrophysiologic technologies of either Otoacoustic Emissions (OAE) or Automated Auditory Brainstem Response (AABR) which objectively measure an infant's hearing * Can be accomplished in the hopsital by nursery staff shortly after birth * Offers objective early identification of deaf and hard of hearing children Goal of the Program * All Minnesota babies will be screened for hearing loss at birth. * Children referred from screening will have audiologic assessments by 3 months of age and will receive early intervention services by 6 months of age ("1-3-6").