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Help Me Connect: New Updates Help Me Connect from the MN Department of Health is celebrating three years of serving families in Minnesota. Listen as we reconnect with Shawn Holmes, the Help Me Connect Coordinator, as she highlights some of the new and exciting updates to this helpful site, including a provider referral system. Enhancements include access to electronic developmental and social-emotional screenings, an online chat function, and exploration of a toll-free number for families and providers to access navigation support.For more information:Help Me Connect: Me Connect Newsletter:  Podcast
"Just Breathe" Helps Kids Deal with Emotions "Just Breathe" is a short film that can be used to help children deal with emotions. Emotional responses are hard to navigate at any age. Figuring out how and what you are physically feeling is particularly challenging when you're feeling things like rage, sadness, disgust, and confusion for the first time. Sometimes, though, the best thing to do is just breathe. Website
1-2-3 Trauma-Sensitive Toolkit for Caregivers This toolkit was developed by public health nurses with the Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) Weaving Bright Futures Program. Their goal was to improve the resilience of caregivers and the children in their care. It is intended to support caregivers on their journey toward trauma sensitivity. It is organized by topic. Each topic contains a brief overview, specific tools that can be used with children, and suggestions on where to find more information. Also included are handouts that can be used as teaching aids. Each toolkit topic builds upon the previous ones. Website
10 Accessible and Sensory-Friendly Halloween Ideas for Kids who are Blind or Visually Impaired Although originally designed for children with visual impairments, this resource offers activities that all children would find enjoyable! Website
10 Alternatives to Restraining a Child with Special Needs The purpose of restraining is to keep something from continuing to take place, and is often a last resort. Here are 10 different strategies that parents and caregivers can try to minimize and avoid physical restraining their children, that may help prevent the need for it at all Website
10 Books That Empower Kids to Stand Up and Speak Out Books can be great resources for change-minded kids, helping them think about why and how they can be a force for good in a complicated world and have an impact, large or small. Here are some great books for readers of all ages. Website
10 Halloween Safety Tips for Children with Special Needs Check out these safety tips from the National Lekotek Center for all children to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween! Document
10 Routines That Will Strengthen a Parent-Child Relationship We all crave those close moments with our children that melt our hearts. Connection is as essential to us as it is to our children. When our relationship is strong, it's also sweet, so we receive as much as we give. That's what makes parenting worth all the sacrifices. Researchers remind us that we need five positive interactions to each negative interaction to keep a relationship healthy. Here are ten that don't add time to your day, but do add connection. Website
10 Safety Coloring Signs for Kids We've put together 10 fun coloring pages to increase kids' awareness around the house and on the street. The safety signs feature a friendly penguin and include fun facts to help them remember each sign. Whether you decide to hang them up in your home or enjoy them as a coloring activity, these safety signs will teach your kids valuable safety rules. Website
10 Summer Safety Tips June, July, and August are more dangerous for children than other months. Here at Child Trends, our summer safety tips are based on -- what else? -- Data! Website